News : RT : August 9, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the 6 people when they didn't rush at leap pets could region off the ukraine, lowercase, overnight to throw strikes with decline me and then see that on so target one of the border region of cost ukraine stuff is hundreds of casualties and the 24 hour period as an option for this continued to repel and attack in charge to my kids. because they are taking accidents to protect themselves from attacks that are coming from a region that are with in the us. policy of where they can operate, you know, our weapons, our systems are capabilities, arkansas, whole states condemn, ukraine's backing of medicines and molly, as been not co investigates the country's complicity in acts of terrorism following last month, his deadly attack on his forces. i'm logged in it,

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we've sold it. and what additional authority to graceful said the violence in the streets and made a growing division in the country without unseat emigration protests. now let's find out how to download the a very it will welcome this is auntie international with the latest world news update, as always is great to have you with us. our top story, this, our 6 people have been wounded in the ukraine here over night drone attack on rushes, the pets region was ministry of defense. they use the defense is down to a total of 19 you avi's which dominates energy infrastructure when they sell the regions govern that has concerns, no civilian buildings were affected and russia's fine me and region was also targeted by ukrainians. rose, according to the defense ministry missile defense is down 5 drones over the peninsula. and 8 over the black sea was beating the information about casualties

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from any of those as of yet to the test region. again has become a target of drone and walk you to talk. so it is a night's fighting between russian and ukrainian troops is continuing that. the ministry of defense has released footage, showing a ukrainian tongued and on the vehicle being destroyed by russian forces near the frontier. officials, the ukraine lost over $280.00. so just in the past 24 hours, as well as over 2000 units of military equipment, russian su 255 to jet, so also taking parting repelling the incursion. striking ukrainian forces with missiles, one of the pilots told us about the ongoing classes. we are operating in the coast direction in this and not the media from vacation by kids that will not succeed. that adam has lost a large number of personnel and is also suffering. have a lot of, i'm going to be close and all of the vehicles the enemy will be defeated and

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victory will be ours. either way. i mean the early all see if it goes down off in cost control to is up to speed on the latest from the border area. basically both sides are beating up the guy since right now, they're increasing the amount of boots on the ground. and those fighters on the front line who i personally know and who i'm in touch with. they are telling me that if anything the fighting is only intensified, so those civilians, we thought that this whole thing might be over in a day or 2. they are evacuating now to and some, well they find themselves in the situation when they do so at the very last moment when they come under the ukranian militants, small arms, fire one city and driver and managed to film, which could be a very deadly encounter. and the very close cool that he's had here we go, picked up some passengers with the dog along the way because more people won't call him. but there's no room with his machine gun noise today. that's why we decided to leave the noise is probably from the drones. not sure. they were flying around at

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night. yeah, definitely. i know with a long flute windows shot to good car though they really have displays hard. look at this. oh, my god, what's going on here? the wheels showing all the windows to see what's all the cost of damage to the minds. do you see the mines lying around? yes, yes. customize the so many of them. judging by this video alone, you can already see the sheer amount of civilian toss left on the side of the road and as people were shorter by the ukrainian militants. and as they had to flee under scape on foot, which proves that it is far from an isolated case. and there's more evidence of ukrainian terrace, well basically acts of terrorism against civilians within the very 1st days. at one pregnant women was not as lucky as those people who you've just listened to, their encounter with ukrainian militants. as they opened fire. i took off the

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results of the essentially dying in the arms of her husband as he was trying to take her to the hospital in time. unfortunately, he didn't also quite infamously, on the very 1st day, ukrainian militant stock it's, it's an ambulance where the company cause the drone i bought killing the driver, one of and one of the medics. so again, this is far from the isolated case under those civilians who are right now. safe and sound. in course, having fled from the board, regents, they have share their experiences to get a front one. we were hiding in the basem*nt. it started at around 3 am, so we stayed in the basem*nt until 8 o'clock, then packed up and left. we don't know where to go back to or if we will ever see our place again, i'm not quite sure what to go to. it seemed like there was just a 2nd between the volleys. there was a mass of them. my child and i were sitting in the basem*nt and we didn't even have the opportunity to run because it was too scary to go outside. the walls of the

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house were shaking, which you, unless seen were you who we were hoping to stay here and whether the storm within our son called and told us to leave the showing, got stronger and stronger. well eager rush. it saves this attack, could not have been tardy. i, we thought western help or at least tacit approval in terms of response to that. what's emerging? well, absolutely, and in terms of ukraine's reaction, by the way it is giving k of is giving the world as something of a silence. frequent they aren't really come into the situation to pod from one comment by the adviser to the president's office to the head of the president's office, where he said that they are trying to just prepare for the negotiations by just well, making that hand strong go with this and cash, and at the same time indeed, the ukrainian troops, they are using intelligence. they are known to use satellite intelligence provided by nato. because while the print doesn't to have be such a satellite capabilities enough for an incursion of a scale,

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they do use nature made equipment. we have seen them. we have seen the russian defense ministry, essentially planning their nato tags and nature a, b, c. as infancy flies vehicles like bradley's and such, so they are getting a lot of assistance to invest in cash and, and indeed, following a couple of days just just over a 24 hours of silence from washington and the you are right now the united states basically saying that they do support the actions of key if we have supported ukraine from the very beginning to defend themselves against attacks that are coming across the border and for the need for cross fires. so they're taking actions to protect themselves from attacks that are coming from a region that are within the us policy of where they can operate. you know, our weapons, our systems are capabilities. so interestingly enough, this is not the 1st statement by the white house who will buy the united states from the coming from the united states officials and every single time they have

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failed to address the issue of the ukrainians. just targeting civilians, sewage string them on most in the border regions. uh so at the same time the e u has been singing in you nice. and really they have been seeing to the saying to them, saying that since the very beginning, they have supports of ukraine and they ukrainian 5 years fully standing behind ukraine's efforts to restore it's 30 total integrating. so that entity and to push them back and find the illegal aggression by russia. we think that ukraine is f, i think i looked at the method defensive for against and illegal aggression. and in the framework of these legitimate the rights to defend itself, your crime, fusing titles to heat the enemy wherever it finds necessary on its territory, but also on the territory of the enemy. so at a glance, what is going on here may really resemble ukraine's attempts to invade and to cross russia's border in the belgrade region. but that was a scant. here it is very,

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very different, both in scale and substance. there's much more military personnel who are trying to set food and to gain a foothold old on the russian to g, and it's a regular ukraine, you know, i mean, visa, regular, ukrainian soldiers who are participating in all of this. so the key of does have every ounce of responsibility for everything that they do here are they don't have that legal loophole and that escape that they use to. so again, we will be standing by here because the fighting, as i've already said, it is intensifying, so that will be no shortage of news to reports on we will be providing coverage on all of that. when we, while you were paying gas prices of surge to following the framing assaults on russia's cost region where a key gas transit point is located, benchmark futures rose to have a faulty euro, a megawatt hour, an increase of just under 5 percent

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a day to on day high is level based. yes. the key transit points in question is the in the city of suits you guys, prominence, ukrainian, towns of all both say that the flow of gas is stable and uninterrupted. the pipeline is the last remaining link, bringing russian gas to europe and via ukraine. the main recipient is on the other side, austria hungary. on slovakia we had some foam, a prime minister of the lots, a nation young at china. go ski. who stays the kids may seem to use the situation as leverage with the west a day. it won't stop or slow down the, the euro. it will be a good argument for you. k. uh, back to us is not doing the guys to your boss slowing down the gas and not for reasons of it's all much for reasons of

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the patients military operations. it is possible, but i would say it do to be a very ghostly operation for ukraine because the tools so many soldiers suggests for such argument. i repeat, it will be a very closely to the operation for you gain and not very rational meaning and reasoning for you. ok, russia is deputy on the to the un has were cold cabs in both loans and the a talk on nati and troops on voc and fights as last month, which was carried out by insurgents on this list. these have been trying to get a major diplomatic scandal between ukraine and western african countries. the

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there are blatantly agreed just instances where certain states openly flaunt their support for international terrorist organizations in africa. note where the are the direct statements by the official spokesman for the main intelligence director of the ukrainian ministry of defense. andre use soft and ukraine's, and bassett, or to senegal. have you already people of our offices about their country support for those who attacked molly and armed forces at the molly algeria border near the town of teens, our teeny, from july 25th to 27th. we emphasized that this attack was also carried out by a group affiliated with al qaeda. the reaction from so health states was swift to use the african state strongly condemned ukraine support for international terrorism on the continent and its bleeding interference in their internal affairs . the stabilizing the situation, malia niger as known, have separate diplomatic relations with ukraine or speak with even western media are now publishing materials indicating that terrorist groups operating and molly's

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or trained and drone piloting and handling explosives under the guidance of ukrainian special services, both within ukraine and in terrorist controlled areas of molly, the russian deputy, and best of the, to the u. n. is really referring to the crisis in monte, which has many layers. smalley on monday, broke ties with ukraine. those on the way, he lost the fact that despite the money in on me, in fact, in a fight to us at the, has us off in search of the ends of april forces. z followed a tuesday at 2 is the key of all for supporting service. for the 2 countries even say they would ask of the you in security council 2 debates. ukraine's aggression also knew that any investigation has been opened in bodies. one, which is expected to say to some lights on these acts of, to present by ukraine on the continent. there's also the ukraine, an investor that in synagogue, which posted a video on facebook that agent has,

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i'm lose. this is video, a company, 5 companies which so the, the creating, it invested a good thing to support to the ripples cynical segments and vermont did the best stuff with a video show being rejection off in the x is that, excuse the table was of course has also been reported throughout the uses statement condemning in the forwarding into for years in the region. that's um, so the 2 piece and the security as well. we also know that to between a fossil cold on the international community, and that's the contents used to denounce you. phase actions and to encourage you crazy to split, to add the loose and sub in t v 's move. i'm not surprising or given the state of all relations between this the how the and countries, in fact, the configuration of the house state says that it was alarmed by the shocking logs made by you, created and officials exposing themselves. and their own actions is supporting terrorism. directed against my vail angel this how,

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how states vigorously didn't know, and just and condense these terrorist and criminal aggression of the state of ukraine towards molly, which results from the intention to move the conflict between nature and the russian federation to african soil, and especially the lions countries the lines of so how states condensed with a still dish meant the passivity, the guilty silence of the african union and the like conic statements of african leaders in the face of the situation. the purpose of which is the recall and as ation of africa, the alliance for the cause, all the people of the how and also pen africans reminding them that what is the address is not just be a future, but also the interest, the sovereignty and the integrity off of the a territories as the african countries of also criticize your trade off to those claims. the reports also tells us that the central african republic is closely monitoring the situation in a modern and the scale of casual to stop through the,

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by the back. now i'm groups and model and forces super easy and this really revealed quite a lot to buffalo. exactly. was being targeted a to full rush and listen to reason the for to save and money and soldiers. then you have the spokes person off your crazy military and tickets and saying that the rebels received the mississippi inflammation and not just information to enable the successful attack on these people. even though he has to knock those grades to the city of bishop off by the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against flesh and war criminals. the whole world has already seen this. in principle, this can be commended on we certainly will not disclose in details, but let's say there will be a continuation use. i've told the financial times this week that he had made no such statement about ukraine's intelligence directory being involved in the attack . even was that evidence at disposal. the training in foreign affairs minister

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responded to molly's criticism, saying that it had failed to check the facts and other things involved in the attack of branding. molly's move as a short side to add to the lead is off of these, the countries in africa. i have explicitly stated that the desire to work with for the apartment is like russia and speak with one voice diplomatically, which is the car into you reflected in the she attribute off you create that we all seen country. meanwhile, in echo was commissioned. how stressed that the withdrawal up based on how the lines, countries from the block, and now it's back in january. so athens regional security, he believes that it will undermine co ordination of cooperation among countries in the fight against terrorism and crime were tied at the last diplomat to really know what connie explains. the importance of these states, all the region and what can be done to return them to the community, the money here. but also i'm to some extent some of the countries

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nearby. i've been occlusal, in that a, sorry, security of the entire cost. some reason because they are like i did read the idea of choice. i how when you talk about this, i have security. these are the actual longer countries. um as of the security for the somebody. yeah. yeah. many options before echo us, which is good news behind the scenes, most often using what we've done. i've lead us that all over the west african somebody going to talk to each other on the very lives on times. these dates have been met. it was very active decisions in the beginning which culminated in the departure of these

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countries. however, these ca still be, i mean the right to buy that it was diplomacy. i'm waiting for any discussion on how to bring the boxes. the boxy member should include it pretty good. that 1st showed me about how the kind of it says the live bridge is out of how to exercise on west africa, particularly the front countries. by monday religion people do is i'll seize, would that be a good price? for them and generally be leeks to reduce changes all over the phone, the phone countries over many, many years. a lot of comfortability. so all those or pig strategies, action for us of picking before should be kept up. this is because that is the good, this difficulty between the science states. i echo us the cause is yet

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to recognize. that would be the version of russia peace. finally, as we restore to the country, and they can see development for the 1st time, the chevy know com. i'll include nicely authority on potential authorities on pricing for more on west, on the streets dance off to thousands of celtic lead. donte racism demonstrates is counter the new wave of anti immigration protest is with police struggling to contain the scenes. numerous locations have become halt spots with lawsuits including refugee charities. and these are processing senses to find deals of thoughts. you have a feel for them with a no need to 10 people involved in the,

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to the as well as well up to the u. k. last week when protest is came out on mass targeting hotels, hosting migraines, which lead to sustains classes with the youngest sense when the killing of 3 little dolls in the northern english town of south pools, and the subsequent lack of information often filed. so i think that that was what happens, and by who is 17 year olds apprehended in connection with them. this was suppose wrongly accused of being a most, an immigrant who was actually born in congress to who runs and parents are 400 feet from the feet and rested in the protests, which offered me spread to other costs of the common thing on the crisis. x oh, not alone. musk suggested the country was facing a civil war and navigation. the u. k. prime minister's office rejected mister musk

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didn't back down the labeling. prime minister, kia salma to t a kia infinity way thing that police deal with n t. margaret support has more forcefully than others. naming, leave, naming, name, leave ought to be far less than those from muslim backgrounds. cassandra responded by saying law, enforcement's response depends on the situation. because no $22.00 police like there is police thing without fear, it will favor exactly as it should be exactly what i would expect and require so that there's a known issue with that a we heard from full of words. there's different amounts on the in crowd. he said the immigration policy system in the u. k. is broken and the situation with spiraling out of control. it is absolutely clear that social media played a role in stocking and decided by these false allegations, the points that sorts of this about, you know, the identity of the paper tray to the med,

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but you bought in so many to see this kind of lack of debates about people's genuine concerns about the migration and the legal migration, particularly we've seen just in the past 4 years, a massive increase in illegal migrants living in. so british hotels now it's iris, 70000 people living in hotels, illegal migrants. and there's a sense of the whole system is in the past 5 years, in particular, really kind of spoiled as control and people have any concerns about that. and what they don't want is actually to become simply delayed luminous braces because they're expressing the concerns by that, that clearly bought it. protests must be dealt with robust the by the face maps the simple as an action, but never less. we still need to have a sensible debates, but had the migration system in the u. k is basically quite well as a whole kind of, um you know, uh, due to the inclusion that kind of was agenda as some people. and it would totally tend to give me the, i'm a firm believer in increasing the street ups,

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which gave you pretty deep sleep. but there's also a sense that if people have to imagine license assigned to, you know, working class people. and so they're both of them being had on issues like the migration they, they're saying, well, what about us? what about on needs? nothing. that is a genuine service. you didn't know apps that you might think by the needs of the marginalized groups and society. you know, sexuality and always kind of things, issues of color and that sort of thing, but she's use of economic, this is a disadvantage and you'd be lady by the justice system. i think it is the father to the canada and australia have agreed to round up military cooperation in the, in the pacific sizing, growing chinese influence in the region in china is pursuing the most ambitious mid trip build up of any nation sees the 2nd world war and its look into a shade the national system to advance its own interest. the move comes off the joint drills and the south china sea that involved the us, canada, australia,

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on the philippines military chief, the full country is allowed to uphold the right to freedom of navigation on the flight and the asia pacific region. china has responded with patrols over the sea following the western allied exercises in the area. us defense secretary lloyd austin, previously called on washington's allies of the in the pacific to contain china. or following us to australian defense and foreign policy chief meeting, tundra agreed to produce us guided missiles for washington's allies in the in the pacific. depends it go on chief appointments and increase and us truth numbers in australia. well, i and the co*ke assignments and the asia pacific for a new military base and set to count a china in the region. meanwhile, the form, australia, and prime minister last sounds that the countries currently the ships and it makes australia fully dependent on what she said. they opened these government places. uh, and the policy is like be a general strider is

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a 51st state of the united states. i'm in australia is quite capable of defending. and so we don't need to be basically a pair of shoes hanging out of the american backs on innovation defense analyst on some pages. the university profess that connie rehab convening laquisa is also in countries must with this the spread of west and alliance. there's in the, in the pacific this is going to be uh. busy somehow some way because we have 3 men, but uh, the indian depositing today there. so i suppose categories all eyes. uh what's the 1st each 5 power because the nice man, the 2nd is of course the daughter has been quite a. busy change to be gotten like of a defense bag or something like that. sure. so we really have to remember on the oh i is. i've noticed that my friends lived in. i'm like, easily, they already make a sports to use that advice and in the assets. so this is. busy to be

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the best, at least, i think the moment the i'll who's on file ending on every day member tablets as if i sent an email to let me see here. i see it. our sky is still high, but we keep playing google and therefore the meet the office and that is the soft baseball. it'd be making the moments of $96.00 the you and the featured offers is that. busy making strongest needs to come up with this in the sled. this is actually for the saw the uh, uh with uh, of course with uh, the quote. and if you take on this now, i think the u. s. office has to see. uh, this is going to escalate another problem. they keep doing this because. busy almost. busy 10000 kilometers from, from, from, uh, china. but, so i don't, this is gonna be, it's around that problem because it's only half of it is or 101400000 of those. so

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i think we have to understand this, not only, but china is just the issue, even though it's a 5. yeah. and are you asked, do the discussions if it's on to waste time? the specific we have, the problem is the dispute and us congressional hopefully is quoting on voters to help him to fight back against the powerful pro is really low . b i pack, which has been a case of having on do influence over the american electrical process over a 100. but there you go. spa, the shelves and all the stores have allowed us to post all sides on the windows and doors. the bronx is ready to roll out of reach you taurus, but not the establishment democrats. we are independent and we are here to stay. help us. oh, throw a pack, dolling ricci, taurus. the problem is, is that the people who are the warmongers are running the country right now, and we don't know who they are,

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who their names are. they were not elective. and that's what i mean is that the people have lost the their, their power or have, have forgotten their power to take back their government. because people aren't doing their job to pressure the american government to tell israel to stop. why is leaving that and yahoo loves so much because, you know, a lot of the instant fluids from the country of israel is here in our elections. you know, just in the 2006 team, we were saying the united states was saying, oh, the russians are controlling our elections. you know, trump is trying to be the, the president, you know, for me, but we don't have a russian whole, a russian a back. right. we don't have a russian american political action committee. we have in american is really political action committee that has poured in millions of millions of dollars, see the problem with point boards losing her primary and jamal bowman, losing her primary is that this is only boasted and boosted anybody who it was speaking about maybe speaking out against israel,

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now they feel compelled to support israel and they have to show it by lauding that in yahoo as he comes to the congress showing their undying unwilling support for the slaughter going on in gaza. but you know, the people here in the bronx definitely see you right through a lot of people here thought it was a sham and it was disgusting. you know, people in here are in poverty. 35 percent of the people here in my district live underneath the poverty live, but we have all these money to send to israel and do you brain. it was a very curious taking on democrats, which he torres, the incumbent, us congressman for new york who run uncontested in his party's july primaries. the law says biggest fund is i pack which contributed some $600000.00 to his campaign. over the past year. he receives an additional $1500000.00 from of the pro is ready bonus on house travel to the middle east and nation are working trips. jose vega again believes however that i need.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.