The Franklin Evening Star from Franklin, Indiana (2024)

Page Two. THE FRANKLIN (INDIANA) EVENING STAR Thursday, March 23, 1950. IAKE 1JITS3 O0OF IBEI32! Sjews I. Members Model Fashions Polar Bf-ar is truly an all-purpose flour which gives excellent result in all kinds of baked products. Yoti, too, can experience the rich, wheaty fluvcr and lasting keeping qualities which Polar Bear so successfully imparts to our baked goods.

Won't you try it? i spm h. 5 's'. v. "-I 4 at all I ii a. and Junior Muses will blossom forth at Faster time in lovely Dresses and that are smartly accented with grown-up, lady-like detail lavish colors! a Independent Grocers Now Sn Both llalii and Self-fSising i ff Ik 1 a fx "SWEE 1,1 Eh -5 ..4 HvTEEXA VAUUZ 4 The flew Era lilting Company An cyc-catthins hor.f by Teen Paige.

bo- vour spring and summer favorite. Unusual openwork bodice' and "standaway" pant-Is attache at hould, Silky loth that's SaniV.iir.ed. as you saw it in SEVENTEEN. ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS OF VOL A 11 A A EP It cf 8.95 x- Mrs.

Jost pli A. Lucas tlf lu and Mrs. F.ur;enc I Anderson, members of tin- Franklin Pi.i--i.l-T-a-h-r Ass-iatiuri arc shown sprii.t; Styles floiil thf hl i at tlit- fashioji in- WViliV-a- day aftftriooji io tin- a iura of tin- Payin- Jvloit (,0 tjiivj 'AIf. tor all ij c.i:. ion 'M Parent-Teacher Association Sponsors Spring Style Show fesv i 0 A tea room theme was usc.l at th; Parent-Teacher Association sty" idiiesd.t altrnoon in the Payne school auditorium.

Approximately M) outfits from the OhlKj-je shop v. ere n.odeh-d. C.uests sat small tahh-s, which were covered with icen cloths. A plant served ar. a --ntt lor each table.

R-freshne4its were served during th style show. liy Kay THE SMARTEST FASHION IIUYS OF THE SEASON! Wonderful tappers to wear evorywhe. r. colorful pastels accent th beauty of ycur Lastor Emtmble. L.

U. the rlcece has flowing hath and ehie Right the wool Cove it Coat. f.iiiart v. itli a casual svin? bach. A eeretn (Ovtve.l with and summe flowers i'm as ha Work of Deacons lo-r the I ft A i I Suits, rainwear, afternoon QLorf nf Tfllh esses and sportswear were mod 1- tJUljLLt ll m.

ULi di ed by Mrs. Edward Marsh i. Mrs. Wi: $16.95 liam Province, Mrs. Robert Arnold.

Mrs. Robert Uolh-ns, hits. J. A. Lu- Hoas Presbyterian Evening Circle Has Anniversary Dinner Cerahl Winters exp'ained the du- tics of the members of the board of deacons at the annua! birthday din- land, Mrs.

John Ma- cas. Mrs. taranor.s Richard HouHham. John ehc'l, Mrs. Lentils Murphy.

Mr. Friedersdorf. SMI net mcetinfj of the First Presbyterian ''p: J''( Kvtnin- Circle at The Chateau. He! M. 'son' told how the members cooperate with the othvr of the church And Airs.

Meany. ard Farrrell, Miss Jail. Miss Barbara McKiniv CDDM-AN Mitchell, Miss Rose Maria lies, i OKramz anon anu tnaoe erai m. my i Maa- r1c til Miss Joan Roller, -svvice vue qTciyir ro. and hen Iiarr.

P. Mrs. VV. E. StainhrfKk served as 1 l-Vnms announced and th, mwtintf and Mrs.

inc clothes Harrv k.rron prsidcd. devo- "-'tional period was in charge of Mrs. conducted hy Mrs. rc 'l haiharner, Talbert, who us the theme oi members went cn re ord as being 4 i i. hope chanty, opposed to compulsory federal Tu.

ways an, th msman.e. sported the metal sponue projec Mrs. John pp was oi A 1 is b-ins? supported. Announcement the- refreshment committee. She was was made the froup will serve ic.sisteci by Mark man, Airs, i if supper for the Tuxis group on April Jinks Richardson, Mrs.

Vonda Pet ro, c- 2. The committee in charge is Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Service. i -vi Local Psi Iotas Invited to Opera IT'S FASTER IT'S CtEAEJOH IT'S MOEIE OHO Hi ICAL Mrs.

Riihaid LaGranTe and Mrs. of bar Russell Yount, were decorations and isera! arran.ire- m'ents. "Mrs. Cilbc-rt 1) nair; i hairman MA oi tne musa i. cr.mnt seiil as lOaiTICa Aals.

1 IR'U tniiJiA( Mrs. Earl Shockncy and Mrs. Ralph ford. i Mrs. Mary List was introduced as a new

r. There was a shower of tea tow. Is for th church lit' Inn. A rc ceptkal for th- birthday coins arranged in the iorm of a birthday a ho and (entered the dinner Hoste the Apli! meeting th" euer. 0OO To Attend Parsifal As Elsie Sweeney's Guests An invitation from Miss Elsie Sv.imcy of Columbus, to sind two prf ser.t.ti-s from the local hita chapttr to the performance, of the op -ra Parsifal" at Indiana Univ-rsiry on Palm Sunday as her tut -Ci acc.

pti at a meeting Tuesday evening at the Hillview eiamlrv cJuh. Fu Hemphill and Mrs. Clair Howard will represent the thaptT. myj A- n-rtrlr-a hriMim inili1l-fllr -i4, Vi FS-' 'i -A -It i Mrs. Corl Ditmarx Elected i'residen INDIANA GAS WATER INC.

Should you live ouftide the area served by our gas mains, yoo can receive all of the advantages of GAS by using LP (bottled) gas. 11 be Mrs William LaGrane, Miss iry l'omsber, Mrs. INb. rt .1 1 is. Co, i it mars ha resic.

nt of he 1 io well Fort- fc- th he- comir nignt ly la Near, i he at the meet was he'd recent! iviiss Sweeney has invited two mem i home of Mrs. Georue Ijem Vier-, from all the Psi Iota chapters! Officers who will serve with Mrs io In- fur quests at the opera and for a hcture and luncheon on the dav of its preesnttaion. She is doing this to acquaint all of the chanters J7ie ''Veiled Illusion' of Berkshire with what iudiun.i University is Cm its the production of operas on the campus. Ti university has pained national prominence through its sponsorship of opera, both by its own music students and by the Metropolitan opera company. Psi Iota Xi is the first organisation in the state to assist Nylace Stockings the university in promoting this Ditmars are Mrs.

Theodore 15. James, vioc-pivsidonl. r.nd Mis.", sec retsry-t re asiii c-t The nominating ommittee was Mrs. Otto llenderr-oa.

Mi's. VanNi' ane Mi S. Cejfl'ty. Mrs. VViibam J.

ica-p, ts-ideni, C'lrnhictc ei the ous'ness a s.sion as id aaiioiui-. at the Bethel A. M. E. rlnn ii in Franhiin on Sunday, Aj.rii 1 It is to hy the Foi nishtk lif.o!; club of Indianapolis.

Two interesting topics were discussed during the afternoon. Mrs. Records presented a paper on "United Nations" in which she spoke' e.f what the United Natitons has done. Mrs. Karl LaG range told of '-The World Council of Churches." Mrs.

Dernaree- served a salad course assis'e-d by Mrs. Harriett Powell. Mrs. Francis Henderson, former ektb member, was a guest. Psi Iota Auxiliary Has Social Meeting Judson Deer entertained the Psi Iota Xi Auxiliary Tuesday.

A tck-ision program provided c-ntertain-nie nt. (A brief business meeting was conducted Ly Miss Mary Homsher. It viiS decided to send a delegate to tho Psi Iota Xi state convention. The hostc ss served a dessert eour ct th- close of the evening. y(M'! project.

Mrs. Robert Lybrook conducted a business session. Slu1 appointeel a nominating committee consisting of Mrs., Mrs. Charles A.

Jones and Mrs. Burton Guthrie. The program was presented by Warren Spangle, manager of the Chamber of Commerce, who gave en informative tail: on city planning. Hostesses for the meetiniT ere Mesdarnes R. V.

Mitche ll. Chnrh r. tage Luth-r. Ri-. hard and Fre-d Hr-mphill.

i feilld ooi spitma flsio! Eeault'ul backprounu fc.r year Easter houqvitt a f.if cf r.iocth, smart suit you'll war through many 1' a day. The separated collar is new I I it-tlf to clecr doinps with scarves, 'v. jewih, and siuli. The rest is simple. i-Dreml st'in j.

i.v." buttons that stop at your waist douhlc fiapptil hip details and a Hand hiit. In ure Y. worsted fahtic I y0yM M9.95 Past Officers Club Plans Installation Thins for installation cf officers 29 were discussed at dinner and meeting cf the Past M.i-trcr. and Past Patrons group on Monday eemn; at th1 Masonic Mls Mae Daemon presided. I As Seen in CHARM MSS Miss Ethelv.yn a gust.

cc Ci-! resting discussion on our Just as a fine veil Matters your lace, so does the "Veiled Illusion" of Berkshire Nylace stockings suhtly flatter your legs! These exclusive Berkshire stockings are fashionably dull and they cannot run I 0 $1.50 United States money. She told the story of liie pictures cn the different pieces. Tables ere decorated with sprin.T flowers. Mrs. Faul Fiinn and Harold MiAjmnis won the cloor prizes.

Mrs. Letups Johnson was an-othcr guest. Miniature corsages were the favors. lioslcssts were Miss Susie Ott, Mrs. Lagan, Mrs.

Odessa Hcnsley and Mrs. Emmons tlougiar.d. vOiUJLA Ours! 777 -lW eo 1 1 OEK4AN Reg. U. S.Tat Oft.

PIE CRUST MIX FOR THAT HOME-MADE QUALITY A good crust is the making of a good pie. And no crust could be more light and flaky than Flako because ingredients are the same fine ones you use-precision-mlxed for sure results! 'n 4 shatttr-proof spectacle lenses have been announced. New we won't have to take our passes 0ff to get a sock in the nose..

The Franklin Evening Star from Franklin, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.