A A A 1. 1. 1 A A A 3 Situations Wanted. C. preferred.
English. engagement French. as music, singing, WAITER, also Waitress; good W. drawing, R. Italian, needle work.
Highest testimonials. Address no other need apple. de Paris, 150, Oxford-st. A MIDDLE Housekeeper, AGED 1 or 3 Woman ref. seeks 83, Situation, Market-st, L.V., Post-office.
Neweastle. ANTED, first -class Shirt and Dress Ironers, 20 THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1889. Funerals. Personal. Business Announcements.
A STOTT and ROARR'8 Shorthand and Type- PARTNER wanted with £100, aplen- FOREIGN Girl, thoroughly trustworthy, housemaid Pt. TITTLE wanted to mind baby in the after. writing Agency. Coping of every description executed opening. Char.
Anderson. 1974. Woolloo. general, sceks Situation. 5, St.
Glebe noon. 90, Ann-street, Hurry Hills. THE FRIENDS invited of to Mr. attend the WILLIAM Funeral of AGER his are late ing LFRED the R. present MILL8, Address of of above will -Anvone oblige hr know- com- R.
F. stitute W. of British MARKS, Architects Assurinto of the esain.) has Royal com- In- on operators. the Reminiten Correspondence, Tspewiter hr taken large from staff dietation, of expert either SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. (HARDENER want- SITUATION Groom, 6 rooms, Herald.
milk, the ESSAGE BOY, for physiological laboratory at beloved respeetfully DAUGHTER, Winifred Louisa; to move from his municating with M. care of 8. Einmett, Nourainie-street, menced the practice of his profession at 8, Minerva-chambere, in shorthand or direct on the typewriter, at our own or cus- best Sydney references. University, wages per week. Apply personally, rosidence, Windsor-road, Summer Hill, THIN (Saturdar) Summer Hill.
126. Pitt-street. offices. Shorthand reporters sent out to meetings, made Office of CONDUCTOR of the Sydner Philharmonie Society HO ENGAGEMENT PER or wanted, Companion to a English Lady, May 18 and 14, 2 to 8 p.m.. at new building.
Medicul School. Appliestiona from Musicians desirous of accentine the but bring written application in hand. on Monday or Tuesday, Devonshire-street, at 9 o'clock, and to 108, Necropolis. Oxford-street, and Ashfield. WHARLES HOWLETT, Carpenter, formerly rest- R.
G. W. DURRELL. Associate of the Royal on the typewriter. Political and municipal reports can will be received up to the 214t of Mar, addressed to W.
domesticated, good needlewoman, musical; good references. DAUSODONOPTIC Spectacles are the MORNING, HENRY HART, conventions. and transcriptions of their young must 199, dingat Melrose, Alexandria, and afterwards Institute of British Architects (by begs to an- addresses reported verbatim. and if desired set in trpe BRIGGS, Hon. The Peel, Tamworth Mansions, Miss Austin, 50, Botany-street, Surry Hills.
fortable. Frost and Shipham. 474 and THE FUNERAL of GRAHAM, the daughter of Mr. Peter at FATHER Mittagong. IS IN Write SYDNEY.
at once to Any the Information undersigned. YOUR nounce that Tattersall's-chambers, he bas commenced corner of practice Hunter as and an Architect Castlercagh at sta. 12, and distributed amongst their Law reporting Elizabeth Bar-rond. IMPORTANT to Two gentle- EAD THE AUSTRALIAN MIN NO late FLORENCE up 587, George-st. will leave her father's residence, Crordon, at 9.80 received concerning him by ARTHUR CUBITT, General In- of all kinds executed by experienced men.
Deputations -Wanted. good Coat HANDS. men abont to return to London. possessing large 108, Pitt-street, opposite G. P.
O. ELPHINSTON thankfully: THIS Graham, H. HART, Under- quiry Pitt-street, Sydney. THE PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing between accompanied to Ministers, and full reports furnished. 19.
Bond -street. colonial, London, Manchester, and Glasgow experience in (Saturday) AFTERNOON, Agent. WILLIAM BRUCE and HENRY JOHNS, trading as Expert shorthand writers or typewriter operators sent to Wanted. buying, in the drapery and clothing trade, are GIRL, make herself gen. useful, taker.
DALE, DANIEL ROBERT, communicate with Bruce and Johns, Agents and Importers, 26, Market street, any of the colony. A register of expert shorthand Improvers, Apprentice, wholesale references. wall, Rock wall street, Potts Point. part kept 40. Raper-street, Newtown.
open to BUY for ONE FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ONLY in DHE WOTTON FRIENDS of Mr. WM. J. and affectionately JESSIE in- Emerson and Barron, solicitors, Collins-st. Melb'ne.
retires, Sydney, and expires the through Business will effluxion of henceforth time. be Henry carried on Johns by writers and typewriter STOTT operators. and HOARE. TO wanted. able to this town.
Have no objection to invest £1500 to £2000 in a useful, 8 ESPECTABLE in fam. Girl Edgeeliffe wanted, Cottage, 15, or 16, generally W'hru. vited to attend the Funeral of their infant SON, will leave Frederick, Mr. D. B.
and Confidential Enquiry 53, Sydney Arcade. under the title and firm of WILLIAM BRUCE, 1, Victoria Arcade, and 5, Victoria-chambers, mou'd. G. Grelg, Forest Bakery, Harstville. for a firm desirous of making a new departure in their EQUIRED willing GIRL who comfrytable (late of Marrickeille) are Private Defective, Missing Friends bona-fide good business.
This is an exceptional opportunity THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON; the cortege Entrance, King or George streets, and CO. Sydney. Gond Distemper HANDS only, buying, as one understands the heavy the other the fancy English home, general housework. Urbs, Hemid. Wotton's Paddington, present 1.30 o'elock.
residence, for Hook Exeter wood House, Cemetery. Hargrave J. Weeks. In reply to an astonishing literary effort published in the at WILLIAM BRUCE BODICE Skirt HANDS And IMPROVERS 7.30 Dowling-street, off William-street. departments.
Address Ludgate, G.P,O., Christchurch, STRONG LAD wanted 8. M. Herald by Arthur Cubitt, in which he makes sundry ANTED, London Photographio Art wanted. 60, Darlinghurst-road. Wanted, two Coat I ADY wants Situation, any capacity of trust; Elizabeth the used to horses.
Apply 404, FRIENDS of Mr. ANTHONY and uncalled-for allusions to my business, 1 hereby undertake to Galleries, 10, 12, 14, 16, Park-street, SITTERS for Bookkeeper seeks HANDS, for the countre. Apply fortable home. A. Post-office, Goulbu n.
-street. MORE BRIDGET GORMAN respectfully invited to attend STAKE on these issues £100 for the benefit of some public Cabinets, at 128 6d per dozen. Best work of the bighest class BOOK KEEPER. Competent 1, Wynyard-street. THREE Years Established.
-Glue's the Funeral of their beloved DAUGHTER. Lucy Gorman: institution That I have more established agencies in guaranteed. Copying and enlarging equally cheap. engagement colony. refs.
J.D.. Herald. wanted, country guarantees indin- ADY, little girl, domesticated, weeks APPOINT- Labour Agency, 44, Hunter-st. Labour engaged. to more from the New Zealand Hotel, Park-street, THIS various parts of the globe than Mr.
Cubitt. 2. That 1 hold a BOOT TRADE. -Wanted, Salesman for Saturday pensable. Apply 10 a.m., Beale and 494, George-st.
MENT as Housekeeper, salary no object. Dora. Herald. TWELVE Pounds per annum, and comfortable Home (Saturday) AFTERNOON, quarter-past 2 o'clock, to the larger number of recommendations from business gentlemen, Calls and Dividends Shares. evenings.
Grace 203. George-street West. no DENTIST9. Wanted, A rat-class Metal ADY recommends young lady Governess, Help, or offered to domesticated Mother's Help. Help, Herald.
Waverley Cemetery. T. Dixon, undertaker, 23, Oxford-st. call beads on of Mr. Cubitt departments, to put and others than on he similar possesses.
terms, in And the I on BOOT TRADE. -Wanted MAN, make and Anish. WORKER. to do work at home. Office.
None but a compe- conscientious Housekeeper. in excellent manager suburbs or children; country: desirable open TO PARENTS and A gentleman THE FRIENDS of Mr. and Mrs. ARTHUR hands of the manager of the up Bulletin on these issues, or to OH-1-NOOR GOLD and SILVER MINING o'clock Mondar, F. Abigail's, George-street.
tent man need apple. Dentist. Hernld week. Mrs. Shepparde's every way; Agency, 116, Bathurst-street.
in business in an inland town has vacaney for YOUTH HOGG are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of shut up for evermore. COMPANY, Limited. BRICKLAYER wanted, small job. Robt. Owler, TO PARRNT9 and Vacancy for de- willing to make himself generally aseful in office and othertheir only beloved DAUGHTER, Irene Muriel; to more Further, with regard to Mr.
Cubitt'a disastrously frank Charles-street, Helsarmel Estate, Leichhardt. Pupil, sears or over, premium. Particulars on Housekeeper directs averte wise: comfortable home, For particulars apply Mr. from their residence, Howtell Cottage, Falconer-street, North admission, that after 30 years' effort he has failed to do what NOTICE is hereby given that a CALL (No. 2) of Sixpence And M' Kenzie's London application to B.
HALLORAN. Architect and Surveyor, (sewing, laundry). R. Flynn, solicitor, 37, late 67, Shore, Thomas' at 3 p.m. THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, and to St.
claim to have accomplished in the 18 months during which per Share has been made upon the Contributing Shares in Smocks, Aprons. J. Johnson and 243-5, 9, and 10, Post-office Chambrra, Pittrstreet. MARRIED Man wants Situation Night Watchman SEE GIRL, 65, nO children, sleep home Cemetery, Weat-street, North Shore. Wood Co.
have been in business for myself, I cordially second his the above Company, payable at the offices of the Company, de- 10 Wanted, for Debatin, Bathurat, trust; self securities given. A. G. P. preferred.
Bayswater, Balmain. THE spectfulle FRIENDS invited of to attend EDWIN the Funeral BENNETT of his late Are be- an assertion impertinence if he says to that contradict he has him, talled. having 1 by would his own consider show. it 29, 18th of May, O'Connell-street, 1889. Sydney, on or before SATURDAY, the J.
Wanted, Dove, smart Margaret young and LAD, Kent-street. to 95. Pitt- first-class street. Coat HAND. Apply Carl Fischer and Co.
M. P. EDICAL Men thoroughly Dispensaries. Disengaged. -The Aloes, services Herald.
of cook and station, laundress near Box Balranaid, G. P. young loved WIFE, her late in the he By order of the Board. STOCK EXCHANGE. Woman, 621, Park-street, Emma Macdonaldtown, Jane: to 1.80 more p.m., from SUNDAY residence, AFTER- ing tions, spent he a probably whole speaks generation with failing authority.
to extent J. J. WESTON, BRISBANE TYPEWRITING (Remington). Miss Nightingale, ORNING or Daily Governess. Young Lady do- A ANTED, Coachman (single man), for Goulburn.
NOON, for Necrupolis. H. MASON, Undertaker, Oxford- AGENCIES throughout the COLONIES, Manager. APPLICATIONS for Secretaryship of the Brisbane Stock 14, P. manuscript copying, executes all of law sires Position (y.
children). Lila, P. Apply Mr. Garling. Fennelly's Bazaar, 11 o'clock.
street. NEW ZEALAND, the UNITED KINGDOM, and the CON- Sydney, 16th April, 1889. Exchange, accompanied by testimonials and references, will and Brief machine. Pupils taught. reports, circulars, COITUATION wanted as Nursegirl, 16, Darlingburst ANTED, young General SERVANT.
Mra. spec THE FR'ENDS of FREDERICK and ALFRED TINENT of EUROPE. Business transacted in four different OSGROVE'S BROKEN HILL SILVER- be received addressed to the und reigned, up to noon -22nd or Woollahra preferred. Post-office, Baxter, Morris-street, Summer Hill, WHITE are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral languages. DETECTIVE Sole Force, agent in UNITED AUSTRALIA STATES, for AMERICA.
PINKERTON'8 AB- MINING COMPANY, Limited. Duties Instant. of office Salary and to further commence particulars with will may be be £250 obtained per annum. from afternoon at required, Tutor's two residence. hours for roung Daily, Gentleman.
morning or in SITUATION in country an Housekeeper. usef. com- ANTED, respectable Protestant Girl, a about 15, of their late beloved SISTER, Mrs. E. Bennett: to move SCONDERS and Wife deserters traced, and all kinds of con- NOTICE any member of committee.
English, including Arithmetic, and in French. Add. stating paniou, thoro'ly domes, Briton, 95. Ch. Hill.
as gen. useful. Apply Ubswater, N. Shore. from her SUNDAY residence, Park -street, Macdonaldtown.
1.30 Adential inquiries instituted. COPIES of WILLS, Certificates tributing shares hereby in given Cosgrove's Broken registered Hill Silver-mining con- CORRIE, Chairman. terms, all particulars, with Commercial. P.O., SITUATION an handy man, hotel work, groom, good General SERVANT, references is to the holders of p.m. Undertaker, Oxford-street.
AFTERNOON, for Necropolis. MASON, of BIRTH, MARRIAGE, or DEATH obtained in any part of Company, Limited, that a Call (No. 14) of Two b'iling: per BOARD OF SUPPLY AND THE NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE 23. A. Herald Office.
required. 60, Cleveland-street, Darlington. FRIENDS of R. T. BENNETT are respect- address, 58, Sydney Arcade Entrance, any King or George sts.
the offices of this the day been Compans, made 29, by (' the Directors, Sydney, payable on at SEWERAGE. TION CITY has AND vacancies for COUNTRY CANVASSERS. groom, drive, milk, by not a young object to a little 7 Eaton, ANTED, General op. Servant, School 3 of in Arts, family. North Shore.
Mrs. the WORLD. No connection with other office. Only share has SITUATION wanted married man to fully SISTER-IN-LAW, invited to Mrs. attend F.
the Bennett; Funeral to of more his from late her beloved late WILLIAM PAINTER, Chemist's Assistant, or before Thursday, 80th May. 1889, JOHN NOTICE TO PLUMBERS. LIBERAL TERMS will be offered to those who can show Avenue. sober, Park-street, steady: good Camperdown. references.
Address W. The ANTED, PERSON residence, Park-street, Macdonaldtown, at 1.30, SUNDAY and late of Melbanrne, will communicate to his brother, J. WESTON, good records, and evert assistance will be rendered in the State terms. Box 1034, G.P.O, capable of polishing silver AFTERNOON, for Necropolis. H.
MASON, Undertaker, T. glad. Painter, at General Post Office, Melbourne, he will be very Sydney, Mar 2, TUESDAY Applications Next, will 14th be instant, received at from this persons office competent to APPLICATIONS, completion which must of be business. in writing, should reach TO SITUATION. Lad with good knowledge Abercrombie-street.
of busi- ANTED, look after horse, make himManager. until 10 a.m. introduction and Oxford-street. WAD- JONES, and DEVLIN, Limited: All the position of ASSISTANT INSPECTOR of PLUMBING the undersigned not later than MONDAY, 13th Inst. ness useful.
Whitehead, 107, Kent 11 o'clock. wants 87. FRIENDS of E. H. W.
NUTT are respect- beloved DINGTON, late St. Peters, by Eyes writing to No. 10, Coffee HARRISON, in this Department. H. C.
RVANS. dress, Siaters Housemaid, wish small Situation, fam. plain Myra, Cook Crown-st. and P. Laun- 0.
ANTED, good General Servant, small family. this should meet the of Mrs. F. fully Invited to attend the Funeral his late Palace. 91, George street West, sho will hear of her two NOTICE is hereby given that an Interim DIVIDEND.
st Wages, £3 per week. Resident Secretary. FINO Mrs. M. Lawless, No.
4. Forest Lodge. SISTER-IN-LAW. Mrs. E.
Bennett; Macdonaldtown, to move at from her SUN- late SISTERS (Susie and Alice). Write or call. the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, for the half-year ending titicates Applications of must be accompanied by testimonials or cer- ANTED. young Man or Lad.
to keep plumber's SQUATTERS. Wanted, by aged two and young Men WV ANTED. Youth, look after horse garden, useDAY AFTERNOON, for H. MASON, Under- JOHN MANSON. 31st March, 1889.
will be payable at the Company's Offices, competency. books, collect accounte, de. Plumber, Herald Office. SITUATION station; not afraid of work. C.
respec- Edith Villa, Balmain, nr. 8.A. residence, Park -street, 1.30, from England, arriving by Oroya, 20 23 taker. Oxford-street. HEREBY CHALLENGE Arthur Unbitt, Post- Macquarie-place, By on order and of after the Board.
TUESDAY, 21st May, 1889. REGINALD BLOXSOME, WANTED, handy MAN, to put on ridge-capping. Herald Office, ANTED. PARLOURMAID. Apply Mrs.
Necropolis. By order, tively, on a FRIENDS of the late WILLIAM GREEN that office-chambers, 1 hare more for the established mm of One Agencies Hundred all over Pounds the RICHARD HUMPHRIES, Water Supply and Sewerage Department, Secretary. ANTED, 20, smart -street, MAN, Glebe. to attend Boilers 10 WINE ME Campbell, Good Rosemont, General Woollahra, SERVANT. are kindly invited to attend his Funeral; to move from Globe than he ban: that I hold more recommendations from Seeretary.
George-street North. May, 1889. vonne Cellorman and Storeman DISENGAGED, thoroughly ANTED, Apply his Inte residence. 22, Chalder-street, Newtown, TO. does; Sydney, 6th May, 1889.
9th Engines. Syd. Steam Laundry, Stanley st. competent, energetic, trustworthy; 10 years' home. colonial, Mrs.
Hansen. Newtown, nr St. Peter's Sta. MORROW, Sundar, at 2.50. for the Newtown station, thence Office Gentlemen is more and Heads legitimately of Departments conducted than than he his; in that fact, my BROKEN HILL SOUTH SILVER CARPENTER wanted.
Apply on job, Waverley- WANTED, HAIRDRESSER. Apply G. and continental experience, conversant with erers branch of ANTED, healthy Wot NURSE, comfortable to the Necropolis. JAMES WEEKS, Undertaker, 96, King- Challenge Arthur Cubitt for the above amount that I could COMPANY, Limited. Nelson Jno.
J. Cramp. Everad. 112. Oxford-st.
the business: bookkeeping and gauging included, if neces- home, good wages, Mra, Potter, N'estle, street. Newtown. Teach him his Own Business that he has been struggling to CANVASSERS for C'entential Magazine. ANTED. BODYMAKER.
G. Evans, sars. A. Y. Herald Office.
FRIENDS of Mr. JOHN ROBERTS learn for 30 gears. Now, Mr. Cubitt, money ap or shut up. SCRIPHOLDERS who have not paid No.
5 Call. which Castleresgh-street, wanted the 9.30 to 11 o'clock. Native Rose Hotel, Parramatta-road, Petersham. near NO SQUATTERS. Wanted, by AD Englishman.
shirts; ANTED, wages A 10s. Apply Servant, Holmby, family Bondi. no General small are invited to attend bis Funeral: to move 1 North, from his on Money Bourke and Harris, man at 53, Sydney Sydney Arcade, Arcade, the at only any time. Legitimate Edward De- was unless due on parment or of before the the 22nd of April, one are shilling informed share, that ASHIER. Vacancy for intelligent Youth.
W. H. DENTIST to join another in well- Rider. Billet Could on keep station books. as Wages Storekeeper not or much Boundary ob- ANTED, steady young Man as GROOM, Coachlate SUNDAY residence, AFTERNOON, Church-street.
at 3 o'clock, for Parramatta St. John's Ceme- tectire Agency and 55, Missing Priends Office in New South Wales with interest, is made on amount, or before the 25tb per of MAy, and King-street. established A Apply H. H. Herald Office.
Ject as comfortable billet T. Herald Office. so man and generalis useful. 449, B'main. tery.
JAMES WILLIS, Undertaker. oblige by calling or 1889, the Shares in respect thereof will be liable to forfeiture COLLECTOR wanted for Home for the Blind. H. ANTED, 2 gond Railway FITTERS, used to 10 Wine and Spirit MERCHANTS, BREWERS, ANTED, respectable LAD able to drive and HE FRIENDS of Mr. CHARLEST TUNKS MISS LEONARD address would Mrs.
J. 8. 8midmore. OD, witbout further By notice. order of the Board.
ON Rohu, 60, William -street. Axing. Swinnerton and Frew. Leichht, and Others. -Wanted by two Ladies of good address, himselt generally eseful.
32, O'Connell-street. are Invited to attend the Paneral of his late STEP- of North Wall. send address Wanted, Turnover or ANTED. good CARPENTER to build We ther- MANAGEMENT of HOTEL, bookkeeping, honsekeeping, BOY. Apply 25, Jamieson-street.
H. FATHER. Mr. John Roberts: to more from Church- 1. to Dunno, late Newtown P.
O. Important. WESTON, Manager. State terms, to Permanent. G.
P. O. board Cottage. 972. Norton-street.
Leichhardt. thoroughly experienced in all parts of the business, good WANTED, Shutt, plumber, street, o'elock, for Parramatta St. John's North, on SUNDAY AFTERNOON, at JOHANN FRIEDRICH WIL- 29, O'Connell-street, Sydney, CHEMISTS' ASSISTANTS. -JUNIOR wanted ANTED, Commissions, all of goods, own week. connection.
Address, references first instance, personally L. S. and Herald otherwise. Office. Open one immediately.
a WETNURSE. Apply, Cemetery. formerly Tanunda, 10th May, 1889. Marcker, operative chemists, trap. Alpha, Post-office, Canterbury.
between 9 Clark, st. Leon'ds. FRIENDS of Mr. JAMES TURKS are in South HELM, Australia. and residing at FRIEDRICH Langmell, near HERMANN TRUE BLUE Nos.
1 and 2 NORTH BLOCK Burwood. An experienced. tasteful WINDOW. no Squatters and all Employers of Labour. -Cir- ANTED, respectable elderly WOMAN, fond of invited to attend the Funeral his late STEPFATHER, Wanted for city work, under clergy- DRESSER.
c*mstances have cone under my notice respecting the THE MARISCHKE, son of the shove, born the 8th Sentember, AMALGAMATED G. M. COMPANY, Limited, Catechist. Apply Mark Foy, Hyde Pk. Metropolitan and Intercolonial Labour Branch office, 147.
children. 16, Darlinghurst-street, off surry Hills. Mr. matta John North, un Roberts: SUNDAY to move from AFTERNOON, Church-street, at of Parra- for 1857. are requested to send their addresses to the heard under- 90, King-street.
Apply, man, with Godly references, young by Man, letter well addressed qualified R. as Diocesan 7 ANTED, CORE-MAKER, also Loam- Castierragh-street. beg to state that I adbere, and am smart LAD. Hogan and Smith, St. John's Cemetery.
signed before the lat Detober, excluded 1889. If from the nothing division of of Registry, Bathurst-street. moulder. Darlington Iron works, Darl. prepared to stand to the announcement already made by me, watchmakers and jewellers, 350, George-street.
FRIENDS of Mr. HENRY TUNKS are the them estate by that of the date late they will Johanne be Wilhelmine Maruschke, who pant NOTICE on which is the hereby Calls given to that the all eleventh, Shares in due the 24th above January, Com- 10 POSITOR. Wanted, thoroughly ANTED, a 1 respectable YOUTH for solicitor's that I can and do supply and far have more on superior servants with WANTED, A tidy House and Parlour MAID, Invited to attend the Funeral of his late STEPFATHER, died at Lightspass, 4th March. 1860. 1859, hare not been paid, will be forfeited on the 18th Instant, MAN to take charge of small and jobbing office.
Apple Bor 1661, G. P. 0. despatch of the colonv. men cooks, married references.
151, Macquarie-street North. a competent first class characters, now hand, ready to Mr. John Roberta: to move from Church-streat. Parra- H. C.
E. MUECKE, together with all paid-up shares registered in names of such department; must have unexceptional newspaper references, none WANTED, STONEBREAKER. per cubic yard. couples, to bakers, any part butchers, ploughmen. gardeners, groom ANTED, experienced Barmaid private bar, matta North, on SUNDAY AFTERNOON, at three (8) Imperial German Consul.
bolders, and the calla due thereon will be recovered by the others need apply. Salary to UNIT. Box 241, G. P. 0.
Ocean s' reets, Woollabra. R. S. Steel. and coachmen, milkmen, boundary riders, station bands of also Runner.
King and Kent sts. o'clock, for St. John's Cemetery. Adelaide, February 27, 1889. Company's Solicitor forthwith.
RESSWAKER req. for public class CARPENTER at once. Apply all description. WANTED, SCULLERYMAID. Apply ManTHE FRIENDS of Mr.
GEORGE TUNES are Letter addressed requested; write By order of the Board, J. M. GREIO, central ladies' in offered, Vestis, opening Park-st. 'P. 0.
Jennines Pickering, foot of Bathurst- and H. P. 4 W. House- ager, Hotel. invited to attend the Funeral of his late STEPFATHER, prompt.
ROYSTON. Secretary. Wanted, Body and Skirt ANTED, with capital, profitable keepers. Davidson's Reg. Milson's Point.
smart Vegetable COOK. H. A move Church-etreet, P. N. RILEY (late of the Detective Force), Pri- Mar 10, 1889.
HANDS. Miss Meacle 178, over Widdon's. hop beer business. Apply, by letter, Alpha, Herald. AR H.
Maid, in Gate Francais, George street. Mr. matta John North, Roberta: SUNDAY to from at three (8) o'clock, Parra- mood. WANTED SITUATION WANTED. on AFTERNOON, rate Inquiry, Missing Friends, and General Business for St.
John's Cemetery. Agency. Office: No. 42, ROYAL ARCADE, SYDNEY. ITTLE DORA REEF GOLD-MINING COM- at once, frat-class ANTED, by exp.
Tailoress and Dressmaker Mort, Greenoaks Dar. Pt. ANTED. young Women, Cook and Laundress. 7 THE FRIENDS of Mr.
THOMAS TUNKS ATe A Absconders and wife-deserters traced, and all kinds of con- PANY, Limited. Bodice and Skirt HANDS. 321, Newtown. WORK by the day. good fit.
Apply 10, Glebe-road. 7 ANTED. SITUATION by educated man, Sat, and Mrs. Houston, Wairon, Flood-st. War.
invited to attend the Funeral of his late STEPFATHER. Adential inquiries instituted. Eridence obtained in divorce. NOTICE. is THIS Vacancy for good Skirt Hand, ANTED, BOY.
to learn trade. Apply after 2 Temperance, 207, Goulburn-st. respectable, clean, tidy GIRL, to Mr. John M'Roberts: to move from Church-street, Parra- Hbel, fraud, and incendiary cases. for the legal profession DAY made the hereby Sixth Call given of that the Directors have able drape, take charge.
94, o'elnek Schemilt, builder, Dulwich Hill, P'sham. 7 ANTED. by neat, quick band, SLOPWORK, do housework. "Apply 32, Upper Fort-street. matta o'clock, for North, St.
on John's SUNDAY Cemetery. AFTERNOON, at three (3) or and death others. obtained Copies in of any wills, part of the certificates world. of R. birth, M.
marriage, having to me on or before MONDAY, one the 27th shilling instant, per at the Com- RESSMAK Bodice and are Skirt WANTED, good BARBER, at 208, Elizabeth- ladies' or children's clothing. 207, Gonlburn-st. ANTED, a General SERVANT. Apply 50, share, payable THE rited to FRIENDS attend the of Funeral Mr. of JOHN his late TUNKS STEPFATHER, Are in- tion established to conduct agencies all in inquiries all with parts of caution the world.
expedition, in a posi- and By order of the Board. RESSMAKING. Wanted, an Apprentice, also TANTED. Two CARPENTERS. Apple, 6 Gen.
Servant, small refs. 152, WANTED, a Good COOK and LAUNDRESS. in pang's office, Post Office-chambers, Sydney, HAND req A Apprentices. Thompson Giles, street, Belmore Park. WANTED: br respectable Young Girl, corner Denham and Brougham-streets, Glebe.
Parra- strietest secresy, and to promptly attend to all business en- G. 8. BUZACOTT, Improvers. 4, Ocean War'ly. d'elock p.m., R.
Wilson, Carlton, Illa. Line. Work as blacksmith and rough car- George-street North. Mr. John M' Roberta; SUNDAY to move from Church-street trusted to care.
Secretary. Wanted, competent Hand, also Shale MINERS, constant work. penter. B. 270, Hereford-street, Forest Lodge.
St. John's Cemetery. STEPHEN GRIFFITHS, formerly of Wellington- Improvers. Miss Archer, 69. Paddington.
Joadja Creek, near Mittagone. ANTED. by respectable young girl, Situation WAN, small family. Apply Ewhurst, Stanmore-rd. matte North, on AFTERNOON, at o'clock, for 10th May, 1889.
WANTED, thoroughly respectable Girl 88 G. FRIENDS of Mr. JAMES of bis late ROPERTS UNCLE: Dalkeith street, Villa, Launceston, Hawthorn. send Victoria. address to William Rodgers, Horticultural, Farming, to commence with.
Wanted, Charles Appreatioes wages War. WANTED, Lawson intelligent and Broughton, BOY for suctioneers, office work. 344, housemaid refs. PLACE. M.
working 130, Housekeeper Glebe. or WAITRESS. Apply KITCHEN B. Zuriano, 233, also George-street. smart are invited attend the Funeral to move from residence, Church-street, Parramatta North' THOMAS -Please call on F.
R. 356, NEW CATALOGUE for 1889, post free on applica- DressmAKer, wanted, good At and style, by George-street. Housemaid. A. No.
20, Wilson-street, Newtown. ANTED, good General SERVANT, can on SUNDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for St. John's George-street. tion. 46, Glebe.
WANTED. smart after 10 respectable BOY the for London store: and ANTED, by respectable young person. Situs- cook, wash, and iron. Galway Castle, Abercrombie-st. tery.
THOMAS ROBERT PERRRA. Cingalese, -Call kinds of DRESSMAKING. Wanted, Body Hands, Tea Company, 409. Apple Kent-street. a.m., tion housekeeper.
M. Booth's Agency, Manly. ANTED, strong LAD, used to Bak-house. THE FRIENDS of Miss ADA M'ROBERTS are Francis R. Peel, 356, George-st.
Letters from Ceylon. APPLES Fruit ton Trees blight- proof stocks) and all other R'd sal. Apprentices. Mdm. Wilson, 213, B'rk-st.
Sydney TRAVELLER for N. S. ANTED, to apprentice a respectable lad, 15, to Compagnoni Catering 164, Pitt-street. Parramatta Roberts; North, move AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, municate with you? Sister, Mrs. Nicholson, Mount Choice FERNS Clothing made at Johnson and 243.
George st. ral salary and commission. Box 433 G. P. O.
ANTED, family, or hotel washing. plain clothes Wilson street, Golden Grove, Rediern. from his residence, Church-street, NAYLOR, BOUVARDIAS DUNGAREE -Best American Dungaree be experienced and hare connection. Libe- ANTED, A John to invited to attend the Funeral of her late UNCLE. Mr.
HENRY and JAMES, Please com- WANTED. a carpenter, joiner. H. G. 10, Redfern.
HOUSEKEEPER, for working for John's on SUNDAY Bolton Post-office. vin Ballarat. CHRYSANTHEMUMS CHILDREN. COLUMNS, dozen. Cemetery.
at once, four Cast-iron Woollahra. ANTED, Woman, to scrub floors and clean invited to attend the Funeral of his late UNCLE. Mr. 12, 14, and called 16, at the Park-street, London resterday, Photographic and had Art one Gallery, doz. high- 810, DOUBLE PELARGONIUMS, -FLOWERING PRIMULUN, TUBEROUS ROSES BEGONIAS Physician and Surgeon (registered), capitals.
station (just left school). E. Herald. ANTED. Cook and Laundress' place; also H.
THE FRIENDS of Mr. JOHN M'ROBERTS are FILL the DAHLIAS Dr. ELLIOTT, seven inch diameter, 15ft. long, Corinthian to Place, strong, intelligent BOY, 14, windows. Hart and Coulton, 103, at once, 1 fashionably-dreased young LADY who CYCLAMENS, DISEASES WANTED John M'Roberta: to more from his late residence, Church- class cabinet photos.
taken for 12s 6d, please call again! and all other hardy Shrube, Trees, and Plants, 157, William-street. A. W. Anderson, Park -street Post-office. by respectable young woman, Washing and P.
Maid; refs. 375, Strawberry Hills. street, Parramatta for North, St. John's TO-MORROW Cemetery. (Sunday) AFTER- MARRICEVILLE POUND.
Bobtail Grey on sale at RESSMAKING. Wanted good Bodice HAND, Miss WANTED. PARTNER, to select 100 acres Cleaning by day. D.H., 143, Redf. ANTED, GIRL, about 15, mind baby and assist NOON.
at 3 o'clock, td over near shoulder. SAMUEL PURCHASE'S also general Workers and Improvers. Apply 8 rail. 20 from Sydney, good ANTED, young Lady, Engagement as useful housework. 34, Bel roir Strawberry Hills.
NHE FRIENDS of Funeral NICHOLSON of he: late Are Somerset Nursery, Parramatta. Fardell, Farmer and Company. class Skirt vine Selector, land, to Herald. start pigs, poultry, and vineyard; capital Companion, small salary. Orient, Box 165, ANTED, respectable GIRL, small family, sleep $150.
GRANDFATHER, respectfully invited M' to attend the to from his late Lost and Found. City Agents: Messrs. T. Webb and Sons, 448, George- DRESSMAKERS. Wanted, A frat 10 7 ANTED.
Surgical and bY prac. plumber and galvanised-iron home. 54, Albion-street, Surry Hills, nr. Macquarie. residence.
Church-street, John Roberts; Parramatta, TO move (Sun- street, o'clock, HAND Miss L. for Mitchell, country care (Bowral), of C. good Newton salary. Bros. and Apply Mechanical thoronghly DENTIST: good qualified address; gentlemanly worker, country Job.
A. Barr, Peters'm. ANTED, MAN, to milk, gardening and useful, day) AFTERNOON, at 3 p.m., for St. John's Cemetery. OST, gold initial BROOCH (A).
at Manly. Re- North Shore: Mesars. 1 R. Harnett and 267, George- 82, Pitt -street. Cite.
appearance: liberal terms; communications strictly con- WANTED, Housemaid, by respectab private fam. vonng G. Girl. Herald Office. references.
Apply Metropolitan Hotel, King -street. JAMES WILLIS, Undertaker. tarn to Wharfinger at Sydney or Manly. street. XPERIENCED TRAVELLER required: gond fidential.
A. Box 771. WANTED, MAN for Saturday. Apply FRIENDS of the late Mr. JAMES ORR OST, binek Retriever DOG, white breast spot; PEARCE BROTHERS' SPECIAL OFFER.
refs. indispen. Apply, letter only William Perry and Co. by a reliable city firm of General Auc- WANTED, by Situation thoroughly exp. and Herald respectable street, Darlington.
are respectfully invited to attend his Paneral: to move 10s reward. 90, Denham-street. Glebe. CHOICE SALES town or country, tioneers, REPRESENTATIVES in all suburbs and as Nurse. T.
Office. strong active Girl As Laundress, from his late residence, Hill-street. Leichhardt, on SUNDAY OST, a PURSE in Re- FERNS, CHRYSANTHEMUMS, and OTHER FIRST A. Herald Office. country towns: liberal arrangements made with good local ANTED, by respectable Girl, SITUATION AS assist with housework.
56, Bridge-street. AFTERNOON, at GEORGE 3 SHYING, Balmain Undertaker, No. 8, ward, Mr. G. J.
Wells, No. 1. Sydney. Inspection Invited. DOUR Gentlemen, with £600 each, wanted to pur- agents, Apply Box 1480, General Post Office, ANTED, General SERVANT, clean, for Presbrterian FLOWERING and ORNAMENTAL PLANTS.
testimonials. Apply, Pariourmaid in private family. Herald Office. Cemetery. OST, White PIG, with black on rump.
Apply remun. Herald. ANTED, MANAGER for ANTED, by voung Girl, SITUATION, confec- steep at home. 643. Harris-street.
George-street West only. ORR Corporation Salegards. Send for new catalogue of choice flower and vegetable highly A latest one guinen. butchery. Apply by letter to the undersigned, en- tioner's or place of trust.
M. Herald. WANTED. BOY, good writer and quick at business. Syndicate, THE FRIENDS of Mr.
ARTHUR are re- containing seeds for present sowing. BONNETS, style, closing references and stating salary required; open till a respectable experienced young 277, Clarence-street. beloved spectfully FATHER, invited James; to to attend move the from Funeral late residence, silver, and links. Handsome reward at 145, Phillip-st. PEARCE Nurserymen.
BROTHERS, Seedsmen, and Florists, Comtesse de Pen. penmanship, May 14. John Kirkpatrick, Gunnedah. for the Licensed where she person, have of SITUATION 4. as Address working Widow, this Housekeeper, office.
WANTED, a respectable Young GIRL for light of bis late PURSE, 6 some Thouars. 89, opp. trams. figures. Hill-street, Leichhardt, on SUNDAY AFTERNOON.
EFT on the Association Ground, Light Drab 31, Sydney Arcade, King-street, Sydney. FRESH prising from business the letter, business capitals, initials, signa- com- Victuallers' an energetic Association. All Secretary applications, stating can boy 2 in family. 48, P'dington. o'clock.
for Balmain Presbyterian Cemetery. GEORGE OVERCOAT, on Thursday evening finder rewarded Nurseries: Rand wick. tures, flourishing, visiting cards, price 5s. Address Jas. salary required, must be sent to the Office, Castlerengh-st.
Milliner, to by Take experienced Charge Workroom Dreasmaker or and Business good young GIRL, for housework, SHYING, Undertaker, No. 8, George-street only. on returning to Messra, Willam Laidler and Exchange. TO FARMERS, GRAZIERS, MARKET GAR- Bruce, 110, Elizabeth-st. Guide to Business Writing." 5s.
(over the Mont de Piete office), by Tuesday next. home and colonial experience. Apply 10, Glebe-road, family. 25, Windsor-street, Paddington. THE FRIENDS of WM.
HY. KERR are r6- OST, between Hyde Park and G. P. 0., Lady's DENERS. and Others.
ENTLEMAN of business habits, with £300, may ANTED for country store, single young Man Sednes. Open for a week. ANTED, GIRL, about 16, assist with housespectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his Gold CHAIN, reward. 18, Glen view-street, off Liver. hear of first-class city in vestment.
City, Herald. BOOKKEEPER and able to assist in store if Painters and Builders know good work. 5, Great Redf'n. residence. Hill and Mr.
Kenzie streets, move Leich bardt, TO- pool-street, Paddington. The N. W. Poudrette and Ammonia their Manufacturing Rickety- Figure Painter required. Apply 11 o'clock.
Petersen, Boesen, and 65, can be had by applying by letter or personally at young Man as Milkman, also General departed FRIEND, JAR. Orr; to from his late WANT MORROW (Sunday) AFTERNOON, 8 p.m., thence to OST. Persons Skin are cantioned DINGY, 14ft. against finder baring this rewarded. boat.
street, Company, North Limited, Botany, bas on large or SALE. small at quantities Works, of FIRST- Wanted. 67, Flinders-st. M' bourne. York-street.
Photographic Art Punch's Swan-with-Two-Necks, er. Park and George Servant. Glue's Agency, 44, Hunter-street. Balmain Cemetery. B.
H. Vipond, boat-shed, Robinson's Baths, Domain. CLASS MANURE, Cheap. GOVERNESS INSTITUTE, Hunter-st. TANTED, at the London from 8 p.m till 9.30, to G.
HUGBES, Labour Secretary. all classes Female Servante, town and THE FRIENDS of ANDREW AGNEW, of OST, in Charlotte-place, between Grovenor Hoter For particulars apply Office at the Works, North Botany, O'Connell- to Governesses, Cooma, Queensland, ke. the Cabinets, at 12s Galleries, 6d 10, per 12, dozen. 14, 16, Best Park work -street, of the SITTERS highest class for ANTED. Galleries, 10, at 12, the 14, 16, London Photographic SITTERS Art for country.
Glue's Agency, 14, Hunter-street. Permont, are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of his and George-street, Lady's Gold WATCH, with cold the Secretary, at the of the Company, 14, 7 LASS- Wanted to know guaranteed. Copying and enlarging equally cheap. Cabinets, at 128 6d per dozen. Best work Park-street.
of the highest class WANTED, BOYS to sell pastry. Apply No. FRIEND, James Orr: to move from his late residence, SUN- chain, locket and key attached. Pinder will be liberally re- street, where testimonials may be seen. Address of good H.
R. England, Printer, 12, to engage the Services of a GENTLE- guaranteed. Conying and enlarging equally ebeap. Ragian-street, Darlington. DAY, 12tb instant, to Balmain Presbyterian Cemetery.
warded on same and Tutors' Institute. -H. N. write experienced clearly, in the duties of a Land Auctioneer's WANT ANTED AD experienced young gentleman, WANTED J. Poole, 127, LAD, William-street.
M'Kenzie and Hill streets, Leichhardt, at 3 p.m., on returning to Grosvenor Hotel. 13, and 14, Victoria Arcade, Mydney. WANT smart strong to Assist in that he has J. DIXON Branch begs to inform Establishment the at public 183, Red on Leather PURSE, brass bound, containing half- THE SYDNEY are SOAP Manntacturers and of CANDLE Fine and COMPANY, Coarse Limited, Montagu. 5, Montagu-chambers, Elizabeth and Hunter ferences.
Apply, by letter, to the Board of Directors of draughtsman. and thoroughly understands his very work; ANTED, good PARLOURWAID. the 9th. between Sydney and Petersham, office: he must and produce unexceptional re- EMPLOYMENT in Architect's offlee, good shop. George -street West, opened adjoining St.
Barnabas' Church. sovereign. silver, and papers. Reward 428 6d for returning BONEDUST of Best Quality, steeets. Parities and principals of schools may rely Governesses, on ob- Richardson and Wrench, Limited, 98, Pitt-street.
(153) salary secondary consideration. 'Architect, Herald Office. Mrs. Gray, Hinemoa, Edgeeliffe-road. Apply WM.
J. DIXON, Embalmer and Undertaker, papers to Hastings, Bent-street, Stanmore. delivered to ship or rail, price $5 per con. taining thoroughly qualified Gentlewomen as for the conntry, young LADY, for the TOUNG married Lady, Situation An Housekeeper, compt. H.
P. MAID, between 183, George-street West: 40 and 169. Ritey-street; and at OST, Monday evening, between Summer Hill and DEAUTIFUL FLOWERS all the year round, Regent-street, Wanted, good Chippendale. HAND, for to- Millinery and Sales, a.m., 61 Lark, per week, Sons, with and board. Company, Apply, 2, country not objected to.
Address Reliable, Herald. WANTED Saturday. 69, Darlioghuret-road. Porest Lodge tram terminus. Telephone 588.
Bondi Junction, Enamel, by sot rail with and Brilliants; trams, round reward. BROOCH, Dixson and Sons', the art dorists, 107, King-street. A MAN wanted at 12 o'clock with Moore-street. references, 10 TOUNG Woman requires Situation, Housemaid. or ANTED, young GIRL, for white work also, Gold and Black EMON and ORANGE TREES.
Price per AIRDRE to Nurse to child walking: 8 vrs. ref. 167, Oxford-st. Apprentices to millinery. 187, Giebe Point-road.
and Sons, Park-street. to-dar, 7, Wells-st. West, Redfern. A. H.
Roberts. V7OUNG active Man, with £35, wanted, join Business Cards. OST. Black-and-Tan Terrier 81 UT, Thurs- thousand to wanted for this day, Saturday. another, same amount, in payable business: profits, YOUNG wants employment as MESSENGER WANTED, young Woman, General SERVANT, A.
A oxide daily. J. I. Teeth Marshall, fitted dentist, painlessly. 410, George-st.
Nitrous Beauty: day had night, on in when lost Glenmore-road a hit of red Answers ribbon. to the Finder name re- of East BERNEKA Melbourne, Victoria. ESTATE, TIGHLY HAIRDRESSER, sccomplished William Lady -street. DISENGAGED. about Britisher, $3 week Herald each: Office.
suit steady young fellow. Address Store, security Ridge-street, G. F. St. JONES, Leonards, ANTED, washing.
WAITRESS. School of Arts on C. TATLOR, 4, Wellington -parade. horses, 73, Hunter-street. NORRIS, Writing Master, 296, warded on bringing it to 186, Glenmore-road.
TEXT SATURDAY, lIVERPOOL. singing. French, drawing, crayons, Eng- TOUNG LADY serka Governess. Coffee Palace, 281, Pitt-street. NORRIS, Writing Master, 296, A opp.
Paddington; estab. 1861. A Dresseatting Reliable Linings Paper fitted. Patterns; 257, Riley-street. Scientifio MAPPIN BROTHERS, Plain and Fancy Paper-box Manufacturers, 75, Bathurst-st.
West. PERRY. London Sweep. -Chimneys Swept: letters or orders promptly attended to. 165, Can A Marshall RTIFICIAL Brothers' only TEETH.
address, Gas 133, given Elizabeth-street. daily. A. and COX, Silk, Hot-presser, Woollen, 61, and Cotton Wool Dyer, mooloo; Scourer, 855, Railway Bridge; and 50, Hunter-st. apparel hortest scoured and properly dressed daily.
Mourning dyed on notice. ARTIFICIAL snecially LIMBS, to order, with fit all and the latent durability improve- guaranteed Trusses, Ladies' Abdominal Belts, Silk Elastie StockInge, Kneecaps, G. GUYATT Surgical Instrument and Truss Makers, 495, nr Sydney. N.B.-An experienced lady in attendance. Established 1853.
CARD. The FIRST PRIZE and Highest Award for Mechanical Dentistry at the SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION the N. 8. W. Agricultural Exhibition Medal for 3 years successively, the London International Medal, and the Philadelphis Centenial Medal for Artificial Teeth, have been rained by Mr.
John Spencer against all competitors. PAINLESS EXTRACTION by the aid of Nitrous Oxide Gas. Mr. JOHN SPENCER, 44. Wynyard-square North.
ROOKS, SAMUEL, Portrait Painter, 47, Wentworth-court, Elizabeth-st. Only address in future. TARPETS taken up, beaten, and re City Carpet Ground, Rushentter Bay. Williams and Arnold. and Carvers.
Dillon and Doyle, Annandale, next foundry. D' don ENTAL. register. -J. L.
Alexander Point (late Piper-road. Bathurst), Woollabra, 10 to the Temperance Hall Dining Rooms, Pitt-st. Breakfast 9d, Dinner 1s, Tea 9d. Reduction by tickets. Monuments, Tablets, Fonts, H.
Taylor Son, Elizabeth and Goulburn Sydney. Monuments, and Mural Tablets, A large stook to select from at reduced prices. Mustrations on application. PATTEN 302, Pitt-street. A.
ADGER, Dermatologist, treats successfally all diseases of the Skin and Scalp, Loss of Hair, Premature Blanching, and General Caltivation and Growth of the Hair. Advice and remedy, 100 6d. 131. Blisabeth-street. ADAME receives patients BALLIN, dally.
154, Diploma'd A cooucheuse, MISS RYCE, street, Upper Dressmaker, Paddington. Glyn Garth, WindsorM R8. MASON, Medical Clairvoyante, returned to town; consultations as usual. 156, Phlillp-s. S.
LEVY and Acoountanta, Auditors, and M. Arbitrators. 36, Castlereagh-street. MONUMENTS and and Freestone; HBADSTONES, Tomb Railings. in Marble, J.
CUNNINGHAM, Margaret and Clarence streete, EXPERT CONSULTATION BY LETTER. MED Fee, £1. Dr. L. SMITH, 182, Collins-street East, Melbourne.
Established 34 years in the colons. advertising and The only legally the qualified Board Practitioner of Victoria, and practising the last $5 years. registered under ESS Dentistry. Mr. C.
G. HODGSON, DAINT Hunter-street (late Cavendish-square, London, R. and HARNETT, Commission Agents. and 267, oN Mercantile Brokers H. MACKENZIE and Insurance W.
and Financial Agents, Bond-street. SATURDAY, LIVERPOOL. BERNERA ESTATE, TEXT SPECIAL TRAIN. FREE TICKETS HARDIE from' and GORMAN. line of railway, 3 miles from MilON VILLE Litho, plans ready, Clarke and M'Intyro son's Reward for the Manuscript of the following, now in circulation: The London Palace of to the London Palace of Art.
10. 12, 14, and 16, Park-street, Sydney. We have searched London for the most able and talented artists. and can confidently assure the very highest class of work at the following remarkably low prices: 12 cabinets, 12s 6d: 12 carte de visites for 6s 6d; copying and enlarging equally DET Stolen. Tursdav last, from Prosna, Marrick rille.
Reward conviction thief. G. J. Bromowski SEALSKIN Lady's BAG, LOST on the S. H.
road or Warerles-road, containing card-case Finder will be rewarded by returning same to Mr. Foster, 144, William -street, Woolloomooloo. STOLEN 8B or near Straved shoulder, from like GN Sntherland. off shoulder: Chestnut BAY 20 off shoulder, black points, star. £2 reward it strayed; $10 on convic.
if stolen, G. MARSDEN, Sutherland. FOUND, Purse of Yarnton, MONEY, Summer at Hill. Smithfield. Apply POUND, A.
PIG: 'Tellan. owner can Has-street, have it opposite by paving Harbour-st. expenses. FOUND, LADY'S and Company. BRACELET.
Apply Farmer ROUND. Kangaroo DOG, yellow and white. If claimed will be sold to pay expenses. Wooller's Horse Repository, Pitt-street. Lectures.
CHURCH OF ENGLAND ASSOCIATION, Surry Hills -A LECTURE in connection with the above will be delivered by Mr. KINGDON on TUESDAY next, May 14, In St David's schoolroom, Arthur- street, at 8 p.m. Subject The recent Consecration of Archdeacon Dawes." J. C. ATKINSON, Hon.
Sec. A Poresters' SPIRITUAL Hall, SEANCE, by Mrs. Sun. Hubbard, 7.80. Royal BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION.
POPULAR LECTURE on WOMAN'S WORK." will be delivered by MISS FRANCES G. HOLDEN, in connection with the Domestic Soonomy Classes of the Sydney STREET. on College. THURSDAY. 16th MAY, at 8 p.m.
Ladies Technical at the TEMPERANCE HALL, 303, PITTspecially invited. Admission free. EDWD. DOWLING, Secretary. TOECOND of Dr.
Burnaby's important Lectures.To Men only. Temperance Hall, Sunday evening, 12th. cumme*rHILL PARLIAMENTARY DEBATING LECTURE will be delivered by J. Inglis, M.P., in the Carlton Assembly Hall, 15th. Summer Chair Hill, on WEDNESDAY EVENING NEXT.
May to be taken at 8 o'clock. Nibilism: What is it Admission free. PROTESTANT HALL, Rov. will defirer his popular lecture on Burns. the Poet and the Man," in the above hall on TUESDAY EVENING, 218t at 8 o'clock.
Illustrative Scotch songs Lantern by Views of Innes, the land of Burns will be exhibited at Mrs. Miss Grichrist, And Mr. Young. A few close of leetare. Tickets may be obtained fromMr.
T. Aitken, 283, Mr. O. D. Dixson, 173, Mr.
W. Marshall, Protestant Hall, and Presbyterian Office. Price 1s. entitled EICHHARDT Pietnres of the Past -Grave Gay." will TOWN A LECTURE, will be given by the Rev. J.
W. Inglis, on MONDAY, May 13th, 1889. Chair to be taken at 8 o'clock. Admission, DAUSODONOPTIC. Spectacles are the most comfortable, Frost and Shibham, 474 and 587, George Military Notices.
8. WALES REGIMENT VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY. RECRUITING for the above at Victoria Barracks, on TUESDAY, the 14th instant, at 7.30 order. p.m. Br R.
Professions, Trades, to. COUNTS recovered through a solicitor, no charge unless successful. Collect. Box 1661, General P. O.
A COPPERSMITH Castlerengh-street, wanted, near for a Market-street. few days. 138, GOOD DRESSMAKER, by the day. Belmore A Park Hotel, Gipps and Mary streets. 8.
H. LADY required to give LESSONS in reading, twice a week. Hope. Herald Office. PPOINTMENTS-Govt.
and -Mr. A WEISS PRENTICE prepares to and Mi recommends. linery Sales, 177A, vacancy Liverpool-st. for A respectable girl. W.
H. and -Tutor 94, con'd a RCHITECTS, Surveyors, inA troduce Pupil. State credentials, terms, Maitre, Herald. Saleswoman. -Good HAND wanted, must underA stand millinery.
Granger's, 618, George-street. SAYER and SMELTER wanted to manage farA nace. Apply Mr. Peek, Box 1152, G. P.
0. SOBER, industrious PARTNER with £50, A returns. State age, address, Texas, P. 0., CTIVE PARTNERSHIP in payable business A desired by energetic Gentleman, with moderate means; only principals dealt with. Address Partner, Herald.
CTIVE in payable busines A desired by energetic Gentleman, with moderate means; only principals dealt with. Address Bons-fide, Herald. RESIDENT TUTOR required to prepare pupil A for matriculation, Send full particulars and copies of testimonials to Box No. 1388. A and Trade CCOUNTANTS Accounts and Collected.
Commission An experienced Agents, staff Rents of collectors, under personal supervision; prompt settlements. DOLTON and Equitable-chambers, Pitt and Park ste. DVERTISER, aged 40, with many years experiA the hosiery and ontAtting, also and woollen trades, of andoubted ability an salesman and traveller, wholesale desires ENGAGEMENT in such capacity with some Arm in the colonies. Address Derrick, Herald Office, A GENCIES Manufacturer's Agent or would be glad to undertake further business. Established six years.
good connection in all the colonies. Business, Box 1088, G. P. O. Reliable, antive Bustness Man, with A excellent knowledge of Merchandise, offices Pitt-street, is prepared to kocept AGENCIES and represent Arms.
Small salary and commission. Hiebest refs. Mercator, Herald. GENTLEMAN, with £500 to £1000, would be willing to join another with same amount in some remunerative business; principals only. Address Box $83, General Post Office.
EDUCATED LADY wanted to give l.essons to AN adult in English and music, at advertiser's own home. State terms, with name and address, to A. F. Post-office, Newtown. 1 108, Bathurst Gov.
Wanted, exp. A Gov. English, French, music, drawing, pupils, musio, 860 visiting Governess, 1 pupil. 13, English, French, drawing, North Shore; L. Help, city.
RTICLED PUPIL required. This is good A opportunity for a well-educated south to gain the practical experience in civil engineering and contracting. sewerage as firm are carrying Apply out R. Jones and engineers and large railway and contracts. Premium.
M. contractors. Beresfogd Chambers, Castlerengh-street. GENTLEMAN (33), with A number of years' A experience as traveller in New Zealand successful, and wishes elsewhere, to In which REPRESENT be has been first-class exceptionally MERCANTILE HOUSE, either in a N.7.., Victoria, or other Commercial, colonies. Box Highest 225, testimonials, Christeburch, salary N.7.
£350 GENTLEMAN an. with £500 capital would find per A safe INVESTMENT In a thorough going and profitable rising City returns, Agency good Business, connection all already through showing the colonies, undoubted large and prospects for safe and unlimited with extension: principals only. offices centrally Fidelity. situsted. Correspondence 0401, G.
P. 0. Music, lish thoroughly, high tests. to character and efficiency. Rex, Turner and Henderson, Hunter-street.
ADY, with own Remington Typewriter, desires permanent employment. E. 97, Elizabeth-street. admitted in England, honours the Incorporated Law Society's firm Final desires now managing clerk to a or city of without London view to of partnership; solicitors, excelCLERK references. RIP.
with Address D. C. Lee, 46, Queen Victorialent street, London; or Dr. Lee, Wollongong. would be glad to make arrangements with an able leading Life Assurance Company clergyman or other.
Applications will be regarded as Arst strictly Instance confidential. to Walford, care Gordon and Apply in Gotch, Sydney. Ladies And Nurses TRAINED, theoretically and practically, by medical man. Class now forming. Apply to Miss Poster, Ladies' Gymnasium.
and BOYS wanted to sell the PEOPLE'S WEEKLY, the best PENNY WEEKLY in Australiasia. This week's issue now ready, Office, 78, King N. S. Wanted, 4 first-class representatives. 53, Hyd.
Arcade. W. Mutual Trade Supply Association.TEXT choice SATURDAY. Business -On Sites, the Ground, adjoining Military- Harding's Hotel and road, opposite the Spit road. £10 per cent.
deposit, 8 balance in 8 years. Clarke and M'Intyre, Auctioneers. Active, respectable man, Herald. with small capital, join another business. Thomas, wanted, with £500 turnover at least $5000 a year: 20 p.
et. profit. Address Business, G.P.O. DAUSODONOPTIC Spectacles 474 and are 587, the most George-st. Shipham, Gentleman with $50 Secure, wishes Herald.
to join another in estab business; ten pref. a knows DRINTING his business, fixed salary or com. Pica, G. P. O.
Canvasser. Wanted, pushing Man, DARTNER, with in good $500, mining wanted, to distriet. take halt Box share 414, G.P.O. PARTNERSHIP, sleeping or active, open in estaband General Agency Business, capital required not less than principals only. Safety, Herald Office.
HALF-SHARE in one of the best-paying Large Businesses in Sydnes. Takings, of over premises 816,000 per let off year. at over and double exten- the sive original rent. With good business man, 81000 profits Stock. Parts guaranteed.
in the frat instance to Legal Institute, 1, Central Apply Arcade. No Agents, Boy, 14, learn 88, Jewellery -street, Trade; Redfern. one RES ME school preferred. Regent Wanted, stock Clarence-st. Saddle Hand for West Maitland.
F. Grimley, 268, HORTHAND Practice Meeting, 5 to 62, 9.30 Hunter-st. nightly, 0218 lessona day or night. DINGING. Clans, and Monday advanced), next, 7.80 108 6d p.m., qr.
TX opp. Gaiety Canvassers and Collectors required for the Theatre (beginners N. S. exp: 1 Trade Supply Association. 58, Sydney Arcade.
fortnight's Situation time. wanted Write by particulars. competent Writer, after A.B.C., Southeate P.O., Clarence River. AND PATRICK'S PLAINS SINGLE BENEVOLENT ASYLUM. MATRON and for the Singleton and WANTED, Patrick's Plains Benevolent Asylum.
A married couple without encumbrance. Applications, enclosing be testimonials addressed and to the experience. undersigned with amount of than salary the 2nd required, May, to 1880. J. A.
KEY. Secretars. RESPECTABLE Person seeks Employment in A plain needle work, children, married 10. no Royal children, Arcade. competent Gardener, man, A last place 3 years.
Glue's Agency, 44. Hunter-street. Nursery GOVERNESS. Address Rev. W.
A. A Charitsn, St. Jnhn's Parsonage, North-street, Balmain. SMART young Groom wants SITUATION, A splendid testimonials. Box 1449, G.
P. SSISTANT in bar, no objection to light houseA work, good references. 83, Market street. the Home, 83, No charge to A ployers engaging male servants. F.
Herbert, manager. S. Sydney Reg. Office, 318, Elizabeth -street 8., A Waiting, Cook, H. and General, and Housekeeper.
A waiting; Ladies' good references. All classes 102, top reliable Hunter -street. Domestics A General Davies Servants Servants' walting Home, engagements, Leichhardt, 2 years' thorough CULTURED, refined gentlewoman, experienced, A educated in England, desires engagement an Governess; would also take charge of home if required; highest references. Zeta, Turner and Henderson's, Hunter-street. A the HIGHLY German tolerably Respectable well.
Man, seeks who can SITUATION manage in any capacity of Trust, Stores, Post Warehouse, Office, or Taking Croydon. Charge of Premises by night. A. B. MrA.
PERRIE'S, 134, -WaitA ing Situations, middle-aged person (Prot.) as Cook and Laundress Generals, House and P. Malda, Cooks, Laundresses; steady Laundress, wages 10s, or as Cook Nurses. 108. Bathurst-at. Gov.
Institate. Waiting, A exp. Finishing English, French, and German, drawing, painting. music. winging; Visiting painting, Enc.
Euglish, Latin, music, singing, drawing, Univ. English, English, French, music, drawing ser. N. French, German, Latin, music, drawing, painting, L. Helps, Dressmaker, L.
Housekeeper, musical, young Eng. good cook exc. ref. exp. Cook, Houskeeper, exp.
Cook, Scotch Cook, Plain Cook, exp. Laundress, H. good P. Laund. and H.
Maid and H. P. Maid, country Maid, Plain Cook, country C. good exp. A.
Maid and first-class M. Couples, good exp. Coschman, DOORKEEPER, or Office Work. -Engagement wanted by young lady, M. BY good first -class reference.
young John GROOM Falton, 27, and COACHMAN: eity. BY competent Groom and Gardener. 8 3 years' reference, open 8 dats. 204, Liverpool -street. objection respectable to young T.
Girl Macdonaldtown HOUSEMAID, P. 0. no BY good Cook accustomed to French cooking, PLACE, private family. Open three days. Apply Mrs.
Furlong, Hunter and Elizabeth streets. 128-Waiting. good General CASTLE Cooks, Laundresses, Nurse Girls. LERK and Musician (string, reed, and brass) would be glad to hear of opening. Bass, G.
P. Syd. single, COACHMAN, 25; good references. E. R.
Office. or Groom and Coachman, disengaged, COMPETENT Cutter open moderate. for ENGAGEMENT, town or country, salary CUTTER, Herald Office. DRESSMAKER Dressmaker, wishes 243, daily to Engagement, op. Sacred good Ht.
and and Lettering. will give a bonus of £25 for permanent advertiser, having A good knowledge of Drawing ation, moderate salary. Rearn, 12 and 13, Victoria Arcade. RESSMAKER, very superior, will dinner engage dresses, with tea ladies weekly. Walking costumes, gowns, opera olonks, mantles, tailor-made costumes, Office.
children's dresses: personal references. S. Herald English Housekeeper, to gents. or widower: good manager. Beta, P.
Oxford-st. Laundress wants a Situation, with good references, from India. N. G. P.
0., Sydney. 7OUNG LADY, experienced in Nursing, would TAKE CHARGE of INVALID or SICK CHILD: kindness and attention given: country not objected to; open one week. Address Energy, P. Redfern. Servants Wanted.
FEMALE COOK wanted. for invalids, for the A day only, sleep home. 1, Pad. A Mrs. GENERAL R.
B. Asher, SERVANT Onslow-Avenue, wanted, Elizabeth family Bay. four. A family. GENERAL 261, SERVANT Bourke-street, wanted, Darlingburst.
three in GEN. SERVANT wanted, stendv. 14s week. A 1rs. Rogers, Blue Bell Hotel, Phillip-street.
A GOOD terrace, General Moore SERVANT Park-road, wanted. Paddington. 1, NelsonACTIVE BOY, wait table and make himself useful, refs, Rockwall, Rock wall-street, Potts Point. A refs. 6.
RESPECTABLE Cleveland-terrace, Girl Cleveland-street, General Surry SERVANT, Hills. RESPECTABLE LAD wanted, to take charge of A elevator: also, as Cash Runner. David Jones and Co. SMART trustworthy Boy (14) wanted, Eng. useful, country dispensary.
Address B. 115, G. P. 0. A STRONG GIRL, able cook and wash.
Belmore Apply to-day or Monday, 242, Elizabeth-street, the Home. 83 Market Wanted. Male Conk, A Men, milk and deliver: Farm Hands, usefol Boys, Mira Butler's, 112, Market-st. Wanted, H. A To keeper, P'maid, country: good Cook.
108, Bathurst Gov. Inst. Wanted, Indian A Cook. 200 Dohbie, G. useful, 15s: exp.
258. A kept HELP one wanted, pref. in a accustomed family to where household no work, servant And is who is anxious to And a good home. Apply in Arst instance to B. Herald Office, and state salary required.
THOROUGH General SERVANT wanted to A accompany lady and 2 children to country for change, references. Apply St. Leonards House, Miller-street, North Shore. A Cook. 108, 208.
Bathurst suburba; exp. Gov. Laundress, 652; HI. Wanted, Maid, exp. to do needlework, SIn, station; C.
188: H. P. Maid, 144, Kiama H. P. Maid, N.
Shore, 12s: G. Servant, 14s, country; exp. Nurse, 14s. for infant, Darlinghurst; Nurse and 12s; exp. Nurse, 3 children, 17s.
BOY wanted for housework. Annly after o'clock. at Morton. Woollahra. wanted to make hiniself 42.
generally Erskine-street. useful in BOY house, reference required. BOY wanted, for Ladies' a week, College, to do Burwood. odd jobs. Wesleyan 100K Also LAUNDRESS.
Apply Monday Mrs. Isaace, Merriman-street, Miller's Point. Enmore, General Servants wanted. Registry Office, opposite London -street, Office, opposite London-street, Enmore, good General Servants wanted. FEED Apply BOYS W.
E. required Smith, 229, for Ruling George-streot. Department. Cook wanted, used to restaurant. FIRST letter, with copy testimoniale, S.
G. P. 0, TENERAL without washing, or Housemaid, waiting good place. T. 287, Kent-street.
GENERAL The Grange, SERVANT Wilson-street, required. Newtown. good wages. GARDENER for the Wanted, country, only a steady few hours middle-aged by rail; references required. Apply at Petty's Hotel, TUESDAY, 10 a.m.
North ARBOUR Shore. VIEW -Cholce Sites, (second Mossman's Bay. subdivision), commanding lovely views of our beautiful harbour. Sale the ground 1st June. Easy terms.
Clarke and suet's. inex. hands not apply. Laundry, Crown, Stanley sts. ANTED, BERVANT.
Mrs. respectable Stenning, young 198, Girl William as -street. General WANTED, restaurant. COOK, Apply must 24, be King-street. sober, used to General SERVANT.
Apply 10, near new skating rink, Darling burst. ANTED, Keogh, MAN, to Paul-street, milk and Rand wick. deliver. Apply a young Girl as General SERVANT. WANTED Mac Donneil, Mahon' Point, North Shore.
competent GROOM and Coachman, references. W. J. Dixon, 169, Riley-st. Apply noon.
good General SERVANT, no WANTED, 333, Crown-street, Surry Hills. WANTED: Mrs. good Batier, General A raion, Servant, 4 in Ashfleld. nurse ANTED, several good Generals, 4 usefal Girls, Col. Boy.
Davidson's Mil. Pt. WANTED, Criterion able Hotel. to carve. J.
P. Collins, immediately, A good Gen. Servant. Mrs. Blackstone, Dorisrille, St.
Lnds. ANTED, a.m., Grant, 238, BARMAID George-street mod North. Laundress, WANTED, good Elizabeth-street. General SERVANT. 252, ANTED, GIRL, 14 29, years old, to mind a Pad' ton.
baby. Apply Mrs. E. trustworthy Nurse (Prot.) Apply Mrs. Woodriff, Liverpool-road, Enfleid, via Bur wood.
ANTED, Railway Sleeper Getters, men, constant job. George Spicer, Campbelltown. ANTED, 8 respectable young Woman NURSE two children and assist light housework. Mrs. Thomas, Wansbeck, Mill Hill-road, Waverley.
ANTED at Club. once, thorough Housekeeper, COOK 1, O' (female) ConsellNational Apply street. Barmaid, (6d bar), hotel, town; and 158. family, suburb; C. station; and £1, hotel, country; Laun Iress, assist house, 222, £45, Castrgh-st.
Lady Help, 830, hotel, country. Simmonds, married gentl. Couple Monday for 12 o'elk. Southern station. WANTED, cook, must bake bread; 38.
man, bakebouse wk. gardener for 20 serl. Wittmann's Labour Office. for Kiama, good COOK And LAUNDRESS, HOUSE and PARLOURMAID. Apply, 11 and 12, at the Metropolitan Hotel, King-street, Sydney.
WANTED at the London Photographio Art 10, 12, 14, 16, Park-street, SITTERS for Cabinets, at 12s 8d per dozen. Best work of the bighest class guaranteed. Copying and enlarging equally cheap. 19 respectable for milk carts. Must be able to rise early and come tidy.
Good wages. Apply at 1 p.m. F. F. and Ice Company, foot of Liverpool-steeet.
WANTED. re-grass experienced terrace, GARDENER at to Ray put well, in Louisa-road, Long Nose Point, Balmain. References re quired. LAD, or young Man, to make himself Useful about A gentleman's residence in Illawarra, horse and buggy, milk, garden, Apply, enclosing references, stating wages references will returned. A good place, work light, none but thoroughly respectable need apply.
Illawarra, Herald Offs, YOUNG Courango, HOUSEMAID Boulevard, wanted. Strathfeld. Mrs. Quodling, SYDNEY. -Printed and published by JORN PAIRPAZ AND at the office of the Sydney Morning Herald, Pit Hunter streets, Saturday, May 11,.