Tyrone Daily Herald from Tyrone, Pennsylvania (2024)

The Tyrone Daily Herald. EVENING 0. 8. W. Corner Main And Iterald stroots, at the fot.

16wing torme: dingle Cops, 2 conte. One One Month, Quarter, by by enfrior, mall, $1.00 40 One Year, by $1.00 WEEKLY HERALD. One $1,00 Six Months, Three Months, .40 TYRONE, JURY 0, 1898, REPUBLICAN COUNTY TIOKET, Presidont Judgo, MARTIN BELL, of Commissionors, fa*gLEY, of Bollwood, "JOHN HURD, Altoona. tho P'oor, M. STIFFLEN, of Allogheny.

Auditors, D. D. COLEMAN, of Logan, 11, 0. LOILENZ, of Ronring Springs. OUR NEW YORK LETTER.

From 0111 regular NEW YORK, July 8-Some very queer dispatches and letters bave been re. ceived here from excited or despairing individuals, who live in what are called the silver States, and if there was not as much anxiety here over the situation as is possible for any other section of the country to feel, some of these communications would have occasioned ether laughter or contempt. One person telegraphs for instance, that a movement will be instituted at once to. create a new and silver empire west of the Missouri river, a silver republic, and I WAS told that the sender of that dispatch, if it be not a forgery, is a business man in good standing, usually sensible, so that his communication is regarded as indi. cating such distress as causes loss judgment.

There is some difference of opinion here respecting the best use of silver as currency. Some financiers think that a silver coin ought to be a mere token, a currency which bears the stamp of the government, and will go Into circulation because it is known that it can be exchanged for and is fully worth a legal tender coin in gold of the same denomination, or in other words, that it should be a token serving the saine purpose that a silver certificate now does, while others believe that the ultimate solution would be found In maintaining a legal tender quality for silver, which is intrinsically of the same value as gold of like denomination. This, however, is a comparatively minor point of difference. The principal features of. the excite ment for the past week, so far as silver is concerned, are the certainty that there is quite as much apprehension here as exists in the far west, quite as acute realization of the fact that the great silver mining interests of this country cannot be imperiled without causing vast disturbance to business interests everywhere, and that just now, the first thing to be done, is to relieve the government of the embarrassment which the continued operation of the Sherman Law entails.

It. is a pretty serious matter. indeed when the Anancial depression makes itself felt in such small matters as amusem*nts and toilets, but that is just where it is making itselt felt. Money is so hard to get, that the money-getting heads of families are calling on their women folks to retrench with all their power. They can't afford to let them spend much money this summer, and they don't cut them down as in other years, when "'hard times" was the cry, from a trip.

to Europe to some: fashionable summer resort, but they ask them to give up the summer abroad and the summer resort both, and go instead, to some quiet place in the country, or at the seaside, where they need not to be part of the passing show; The retrenchment extends to summer outfits also, and there will not be nearly as many new. and extravagant toilets displayed on the swell summer hotel piazzas, as heretofore. It is rather hard on the tailors and dressmakers, and one importer for fasbionables, told me that she had sold only about half as many gowns as she did last your, while many of her most expensive importations were left on her hands. The scarcity of money is even affecting that independ. ent institution, horse racing.

It is an expensive amusem*nt, and many who enjoyed it last year, And it necossary to deny themselves this year. It affects the attendance and the betting both. Seven Now Wards, As briefly noted on Monday, the report of J. M. Smith, John W.

Fisher and S. W. Barr, viewers appointed to subdivide Tyrone into wards, was confirmed absolutely by Judge Landis on that day, going at. once into effect, The commissioners' report, which was conOrmed, is as follows FIRsT--That your commissioners met for the purpose of discharging the du. of their appointment on Friday, Marab 17th, 1898, at the office of J.

Luden Henry, in said borough, at which time and place Ilioke, solio; itor of said borough, appeared on the part the original petitioners and A. Stevens, appeared on the part of, the exceptants to the report of the commissioners. SECOND. After due the consideration; your commissioners are of opinion that said borough should be divided into seven wards, adding three new wards to the number now therein. And your commissioners have subdivided said borough into seven warda as follows; First Ward- -All that part of said borough lying west of Pennsylvania avenue, south of Tenth street to the line of South Lincoln avenue and south of West Ninth street west of South Lincoln avenue, and south of a line being A continuation of West Ninth street, from the western terminus of said street to the porough line, Second Ward -All that part of said borough lying west of Pennsylvania of Tenth street, west of South Lincoln avenue to West Ninth street, north of West Ninth street west of south Lincoln avenue, north: of a line being a continuation of West Niuth street from its western terminus to the borough line, and south of Twelfth street: borough of Pennsylvania Third Ward--All that of said avenue, north of Twelfth street, south of Fourteenth street and south alley dividing the properties of Charles F.

Blair and John Y. Lysenring, runbing from Lincoln avenue westward to the borough line. Fourth Ward- -All that part of said borough lying east of Pennsylvania avenue and south of Fourteenth street: Fifth Ward -All that part of sald borough lying north of. Fourteenth street and east Lincoln Sixth Ward- -All that part of sald borough lying west of Lincoln avenue, north of the Talley A dividing property of Charles F. Blair and John Y.

Lysenting and south of Eighteenth street. Seventh Ward -All that part of said borough, lying north of Eighteenth street and west of Lincoln avenue. Rend and be Convinced Thint we Invo the Best on the Market, Barnum, W. April 11th, 1803- The Masers Drug Co. Oakland, Md.

wife has been troubled with catarrh for twenty years, and I have spent over three, hundred dollars without her having derived any benefit from them. 1 have consulted physi. cinns and had medicine from New York, Cincinnati, Ohio and Toronto, Canada, and finally concluded that her case was incurable, but noticing your ment in the Oakland papers decided give trial, and my wife has now used a half a bottle of Mayers Cure, and it has dove her more than all the other medicines that she has ever tried for catarrh. She thinks that the remainder of the bottle will complete a permanent cure; I can see a great change for the better in her case, And any person troubled withi catarrh, I would advise them to give Mayers Magnetic Catarrh cure a trial. I would have written to you before but have been waiting to give the medicine fair trial before saying.

what I thought of it. Very respectfully yours M. HARVEY. For sale by W. IT.

Holines, Mi. W. Copenhaver, G. H. Garner, Falck and J.

S. Ewing. Dyspopsia, For twenty years I have suffered with dyspepsia. Have tried many physicians about all of the cures. Noth.

ing done me any good. A friend said try P. D.C. It is a positive cure; from the first dose I got relief can eat anything now can sleep all night. P.

D. C. 1700 is a N. 18th positive St. cure.

Phila. Mrs. For E. sale D. by Wade, W.

Harry Holmes and G. II. Garner. -m15 m1; tho World's Fair for Fifteen Cents, Upon receipt- of your address and Often cents in postage stamps, we will mail you Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition, the rogular price is fifty cents, but as we want you to have one, we make the price nominal. You will find it a work and a thing to be prized.

It contains full page views of the great buildings, with descriptions of same, and is executed in highest style of art. It not satistied with it, after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Address II. E. Bucklen Chicago, Ill.

Shortsightedness. To waste your money on vile, dirty, watery mixtures compounded by inexperienced persons, when have the opportunity of testing Otto's Cure free of charge. Why will you continue to irritate your throat and lungs with that terrible hacking cough when J. S. Smith will furnish you a free sample bottle, of this great guaranteed remedy? Hold a bottle of Otto's Cure to the light and observe its beautiful golden color, and thick heavy syrup." Large packages and purest goods.

Large bottle 50c. Notice to Water Consumors, After July 1, 1893, all persons using hose for sprinkling lawus, gardens, streets, it matters not where is attached if the water comes. from the company pipes, a charge of fifty cents per month, $6 per year, will be made and collected. H. DIEFFENBAUGit, Supt.

-dewtojy8 Buoklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, u' ers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Geo.

H. Garner. -tf. All Free, Those who have used Dr. King's Now Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free.

Call on advertised druggist and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Seud POINTED name and address to E. Bucklen Chicago, and get sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household instructor, Free; All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. G.

II, Garner's drugstore, Big Excitemout In Town, Over the remarkable cures by the grandest specific of the age, Aust Fanny's Health Restorer, which acts as a natural laxative, stimulates the digestive organs, regulates the liver and kidneys and is nature's great healer health renewer, If you have Kidney, Liver or Blood Disorder do not delay, but call at J. S. Smith's two drug stores for a free trial package. Large size 50c, Prof, Little, the Eye Specialist, has arranged to see a number of patients at the Empire House Tuesday, July 11th, Persons having defective eye sight or in need of comfortable glasses can have the benetit of his skill and experience. Consultation free, Last fall I was taken with a kind of summer complaint, accompanied with a wonderful diarraha.

Soon after my wife's sister, who lives with u8, was in the same way, We used almost overthing without beneft, Then I said, let us try Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy, which that cured us right I think much of it, as it did for me what it was recommended to do. John Hertzler, Bethel, Berks Co. Pa 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale' at Smith's two drug stores. Japanese Liver Pellets are small, but great in their effects no 50 doses 25 cts. Sold at W.

F. Holmes. of my customers came in today and asked for the best cough medipine I had," says Low Young, A prominent druggist of Newman Grove, Nebr "Of course showed him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and he did not ask to see any other, I have never yet sold a medioine that would loosen and relieve a cold so quickly as that Remedy, does, I have sold four dozen of it within the last sixty days and do pot know of a single case where it failed to give the most perfect 50 cont bottles for sale at J. Smith's two drug stores, Gand Against Cholera. It la well to be prepared When summer comes to guard against cholera, diar.

tho a And all summer complaints, Magers Magnetic Drops for cholera and diarrhoen have no equal as a quick and safe cure. A bottle abould de be kept In every house. Our agents will supply you. For sale by W. H.

Holmes, J. W. Copenhaver, G. It. Garner, M.

S. Falck, and 1. 8. Ewing. Ordinance No.

80. ORDINANCE grunting the consont of tho borough of Tyrone, to tho Tyrone Electric Street Railway company: to: maintain and operato A phssengor railway along and over cortain streets and highways in said borough. Scotion 1, Bo It ordained and onncted by. the borough of Tyrone, in common. council assembled, and it is horeby ordained and the nuthority of the samo, that consent of the borough of Tyrone bo and the horeby grunted tinto tho Tyrono Electric Street Rallway company to lay out, construct, minintain and op*rnta: passonger railway of single track, with nil necessary switches, turnouts, sidings and polos, trolloy wire and other and convenient appliances, upon over ntid along.

the following strocts and highways in the borough of Tyrone: Commencing at the south of the bor. ough on Washington avenue in said borough thence along said avenuo to Tenth street, Tenth strent to Lincoln avenuo thence along Lincoln avenue to Filtconth streat, thonce alone Fitteonth street: to: botough line, thonce along Columbia avenuto to 1'wonty-third street, thence along Twenty. third street to Adams avenuo, thence Adams avenuo to borough line. Also ning at north borough line on Pennsylvania avenue, thence along Pennsylvania avenue to tho Penna. R.

I. station, with branches on Tenth street running enst and west, castward oxtending to boroug! line; branches to extend troin Fifteenth street on Lincoln nvenue to Twenty-third street, thenco on Twenty-third street to. Col. to bin Park avenue with branches Park on Sixth liventie street nventie, thence on its ond at line of company and Ninth streot, thence on Ninth street to Washington avenue with branches on Fourteonth street, Fiftoenth street and: Sixteenth atrect running oust and west to borough line withall necessury turnouts and switches returhing by the same routo, Sec. That the consent of the borough of Tyrone be and the same is hereby granted to gild railway company to erect nit necessary.

poles along the line of said railway for the support of the wires, and to stretch from all necessary. cross- wires, and thereby to support and maintain the nocessarytrolloy wires, guard wires and othor appliances other attachments requisite and conyenient for the proper operation of suid railway and through tho snid system, so established, to use currents of eloctricity for the propulsion of the curs and the operation of the rullway. Sec, 3. The switclics, sidings, turn outs, and poles for supporting the wires shall be locnted in manner. and at such pluces as shall bo agreed upon by the representatives of suld railway company and the common council of said borough.

In cusc of disagreement as to the location of any such switches, tho same sidings, shall be outs, pluced at the location selected by the common council ot 4, Tho gunge of the track shall bo suld borough. five toot and three inches. The atylo of the rail shall be flat or flanged of at lenst tour inches head. Soc 5. The said railway company, shall, at their own oxpense, pave between the tracks of their railway with vitrifled brick, all streets occupied by them us aforesaid, and keep the space botween the tracks and one foot on ench side of same in good repair atall times, and in ense any of suid streets shall bo puved at any timo horeafter by the said bor ough or citizens thoreot, the suld railway company shall pave that part of the sumo, 0110 foot wide.

on each side of Its. tracks. Provided. however, that before said railway shall be laid on Lincoln avenue from Tenth street to Fifteenth and on Washington avenue from Morrison's alloy to the western borough limit, guid streets between the points above named shall be fully paved, with vitrified brick or some other suitable material acceptable to the common councll, such paving to be supported by a proper line of stone curbing on ouch side of suid streets. Tho said company.

shall pay twothirds of the cost of such puving and curbing and the said borough of Tyrono the one-third thorcot. The work of paving and curbing said streets to be under the direction and su-. pervision of the Ilighway committoe of guid borough. Sec. 6.

During the construction of the railway, and in making subsequent ropairs, alterations or oxtousions, the compuny shall not unnecossarily impode public travel, and upon its complotion, or upon the reinoval or abandonment of uny portion of the gamo, the company shall leave such street or highway In n.g good condition as it was at tho thine of entering upon the same. And in ense of the failure of guld railway company to 80 replace and. repair suid stroots within thirty days after the completion or abandonment of its road, guch streets shall be placed or repaired by suid borough at the expengo of. suid ruilway company, the 'cost thereof to be collected from guid railway company, with twenty por cont added thore, to penalty. Seo.

7. Vehicles shall have the right to pass over and along, sudd railway, but preference 1n all cases shall be given to' the company's cars, and mpon notice given by the perg0n having charge the company's curs, all persons with their vehicles shall fmmediately turn off the sald track and allow free pussage of the cars. Soc. 8. The construction of railway shall be commenced within nino months after the approval of this ordinance, and the curs to be in operation on said roud, or portion thereof, within one year and six months atter the approval of this ordinance.

Sec. 9. Tho said ruilway company shall ut tho time of their ucceptunce of this ordinance filo with the clork of the common council a bond to said borough in the sum of twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars, with at least three suretios, to bo approved by the said common council, conditioned for tho faithful. per. formunco, by suld railway company, of all the requirements of this ordinance.

Soo, 10. This ordinanco shall be binding upon the auld rullway company upon its ing with the clerk of the common council of sald borough its written acceptance of. the same, attosied by the soul of the said ruilway company, togother with the bond duly upproved, as roquired by suction nine (9). The clork of common council of said borough shall receive and record the sumo with this ordinance in the book used for the recording of ordinances, Soo. 11.

The sold railway company utter commonoing continue to do operato their said railway, to so rogularly, unless prevented by strikes or other causes beyond their control; und upon any failure to run cars, us so required, tor a poriod of two months, shall at the option of the borough work an abrogation and forfeiture of the riglits acquired under this ordinance with the right to said ruilway company, howover, to. reinove their property and leave tho streets and highways in 149 good condition 88 thoy wore before ontoring upon the sanio, Soo. 12, It at uny time tho borough gunll alter the grade of any of the streets or bighways traversed said company's the said company. shall at once, at its own cost, alter and adjust roud bed 80 118 to contorm to the now grudo then established by thu borough, Suo, 18, Tho location of the traok of guid railway' on Lincoln avenue, from Tenth streut to Fitteonth street and on Washington avenue from Morrison' alloy to the westorn borough limit, shall be fixed by the said com. mon counoil before the work of laying the is commoncod; such locution of the trucks on suld struuts to be in writing, signed by the presidont of council and attestad by tho olork.

Read and approved the third day or July A. 1803. J. K. RAY, Altost- Chior W.

TAYLOR, Socretary, TOTICE TO will bu recoivod by the undersigned up until Monduy evoning, July 17, 1803, 4t 0 p. m. tor the erection construction of an eightroom briok school building in the borough of l'yrono, Plans and speoltications sun be suon at the omico of Stevens Owens on and after July 4, or partics desiring blue prints of plans and copies of specifications o4n have the sumo furnished them on payment of the costs of muking. bids to be sealed, addrossoq to the undersigned and indorsed on the outsile, Misidy tor the Construction of Now School Building, Tyrone, The right to reject any or all bids reserved, T. SHIRK, W.

LOWRIE, STEVENS, Building Committee. Tyrono, July 0, 1803-410 FOR THE SUMMER LATEST PATTERNS IN SUITINGS, VESTINGS PANTALOONINGS, G. GRAY, Odd Fellows' Building, Pennsylvania: A venue. PROPRASIONAL. summer I.

THE PEERLESS FARINACEOUS FOOD Crystal Rice PALATABLE CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL Ask Rico sour Milling grocer for Marion, It. for book' of roolpes. Ann KENNEDY'S -Steam LaundryHaving secured office room at J. W. Hunter's barber shop, Pruner's building, Penna.

avenue, patrons will find me there during business hours. Laundry collected and delivered free. All work left at my office will receive prompt attention: Lace curtains a specialty. D. T.

KENNEDY. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE NOT Do you wear them When next In need try a pale. Best In the world.

45.00 $3.00. 34.00 $2.50 $3.50 FOR $2.00 LADIES $2.50 $2.00 $2.25 $1:75 FOR BOYS $2.00 TO If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, made in the latest styles, don't $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as well. if you wish to economizo in your footwear, do so by purchasing W. L.

Douglas Shoes. Name 'and price stamped on the bottom, look for it when you buy W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold by J.

A. ATLEE. WORLD'S FAIR, CHICACO. Calumet Avenue and 20th Street. HOTEL Grounds: Fireproof; 244 baths on rooms; every near door.

Fair American and European plans. BANCROFT 81 botol. to 83 a Write day. for First-class circular. family FROM 'TYRONN Tol MILES.

PARK Huntingdon 19.7 7 .59 Lewistown 56.4 1.69 68.2 2.05 Harrisburg. ..117.4 3,52 Philadelphia. .222.6 6,67 Altoona 14 3 .48 52.9 1,59 Pittsburg. 131.2 88 EASTWARD. Fast line daily (to lot off passengers) at Tyrono, 12.25 1.

Huntingdon, 12.58 a. Harrisburg, 3.30 a. Philadolphia, 6,50 a. m. Atlantic ox daily at Tyrono, 7.30 a.

Harrisburg. 10.30 Philadelphia, 1.25 Sunday, p. m. at. expross, daily excopt Tyrone, 7.48 a.

Huntingdon, 8.33 a. Harrisburg, 11,25 8. P'hiladelphia, 3.00 p. Harrisburg accommodation, dally, at Tyrone, 11.15 Huntingdon, 11.56 a. Harrisburg, 3.10 p.

m. Day express, daily, at Tyrone, 12.15 Ill. don, 12,48 p. Harrisburg, 3.30 p. Philadelphia, C.50 p.

1 Mall, dally, at Tyrone, 2.35 p.m.; Huntingdon, 3,20 Harrisburg 7 p. Philadelphia, 10,55 p. 11. Mail oxpress, dally, at Tyrono, 6.37 p. Huntingdon, 7.20 p.

Harrisburg, 10.20 p. m. expross, daily, at Tyrone, 9,33 Huntingdon, 10.12 p. Harrisburg, I 8. delphia, 4.25 WESTWARD! Pacific daily, a.

Altoona, 7.40 Johnstown, 9.21 u. Pittsburg, 12.10 p. 10) Way passenger, dally, at Tyrone, 1,02 Altooun, 1.45 p. Johnstown, 3.32 p. Pittaburg, 0.50 p.

111. Mail train, daily, at Tyrone, 3.06 p. Altoona, 3.40 Johnstown, 5.16 p. Pittsburg, 8.10 p. Fast line, daily, at Tyrone, 6.47 p.

Altoous. 1.25 Johnstown. 9.04 p. Pittsburg, 11.:00 p.m. Altoona accommodation, dally, at Tyrono, 9.18 p.


Osceola 19.0 .57 24.5 .74 Philipsburg 23,5 .71 Oleartield 40.6 1,22 47.1 1.41 MAIL. M. MAIL. P. M.

Lve. Tyrone 8.20 Lve. 3.50 9.24 Clearfleld 4.07 9.39 4,55 5.11 Ar Ar. Tyrone. 6.17 DAY EX.

P. M. DAY EX. Lvo, Tyrone 3.15 Lvo. Curwensyllie 9,20 Osccolu.

4.08 9 36 4.22 Clearfield 508 Osceola 10,40 Ar, Ourwens 55 Ar, EXPRESS. EXPRESS, M. Lve. Tyrone 7.30 Lve, Curwensville 4,50 8,30 Clearfleld 5.04 8.47 5.41 9.85 Osceola 5,52 Ar 9.55|Ar, Tyrone 6,50 ON PHILIPSBURG MOSHANNON BIANCHES, trains leave Osceola, 0.06 and 9.40 10,06 1,27 Aud 5.11 p. arrive at 6.25 and 1.53 and 5.35 p.

Trains louvo Belsens, Belsena, 7.00 8,00 and 11.00 a. 2.56 and 6.30 and 10,40 a. 2.28 aud 6,08 p. p. 8.20 and 11.35 3.27 arrivo at Osceola, 8.50 and 11.53 a.

21., 3.55 and 7.30 p. 10. BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH. FROM TYRONE TO MILES, VARH. 21,4 ,64 20,8 ,91 Bellefonte 83,5 1,02 40.0 1,18 Lock Haven.

54.8 1,69 MAIL, M. MAIL. P. Lye Tyrone. 8.10 Lve, Look 4.16 Julian.

8.59 Howard 4.44 'Milesburg 0,22 Milesburg 5.25 Bellefonte 9,82 Bellefonto 5,15 Howard. 10.07 Julian 5.45 Ar. Look Haven. Ar. Tyrone 6.83 DAY EX, M.

DAY EX. Live, Tyrone. 8,10 Lve. Look 9.25 Julian 4,01 Howard 9.29 Milesburg Milesburg 10,18 I Howard 4.57 Julian 11,00 I 4,30 Bellefonte 10.28 Ar. Lock 5.25 Ar.

Tyrone. 1. 11.55 EXPRESS. M. EXPRESS.

Lye. Tyrone, 25 Live, Lock 4.40 Julian. 8,16 Howard 5,07 'Milesburg. 8.85 Milesburg 5.25 Bellofonte 8,45 5,85 Howard 9.22 6.05 Ar. Lock 9.50 Ar.

6.55 ON BELLEFONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD, trains loaves Bellefouto for State College 6.30 "and 10.00 4. m. and 4.40 p. and arrive at 35 Bellotonte From Btato College, 9.05 8. 3.50 6 p.

14. ON BELLEFONTE SNOW. SHOE BRANCHES, trains leuve for Suow Shou, g. Bud 5.25 arrive at in. Bollufonto from Snow Shoe, 8.46 8.

in. and 4.60 p. LEWISBURG TYRONE RAILROAD FROM TYRONE TO MILES, PARE. 7.5 Pennsylvania Furnuco, ,10.8 ,25.1 WESTWARD. Scotia 10:00 4:50 Fairbrook 10:18 5:05 Furnace.

10:28 5:15 10:84 5:21 Mereugo 10:46 5:26 Loveyille 10:52 5:32 Furnace 10:58 5:39 5:43 Warriorsmarl 5:53 Pennington. 6:03 6:16 Tyrone 6:25 EASTWARD. Leave 8:10 Stover. 8:18 Pennington. 8:10 8:80 8:19 8:38 Dungeryin.

8:46 Furnace Road 8:81 8:19 8:55 8:48 4:01 Hostler. 1:08 Furnace. Fairbrook A FEW POINTERS. We take inventory during July, Two reasons for bargains at this time. ONE--The weather is hot and the less goods, the less work.

The other and more cogent reason, WO want to linve stock in good shapo to start a new business year. All superfluous stock must go. Some of it possibly our loss but all of it your gain. Will try to interest you first in Carpets and Mattings: hero it will pay you to buy for future use. Prices exceedingly low now, further cut by 10 per cent.

A big POINTER- HASSOCKS, best hand made Hassocks 67 cents. Don't fail to sce our windows. WILSON ISENBERG, :101.7 Penna. ave. Tyrone, Pa.

F. D. BEYER CO. TYRONE Saw and Planing Mills. Corner 15th Street and Lincoln Subscribe for the Directory with Farran Zerbe or the 'publishers Borland QUEEN OF PHILADELPHIA, SEND THEIR EYE SPECIALIST TO Tyrone, EVERY Wednesday.

Ito will.bo tound dE GEO. IT GARNER'S STORE, Flynn block, (from 8.30 W. m. m. Persons who have honducho, or wlioso eyes are causing discomfort, should call upon their epcotalist, and they will 'receive Intelligent and skillturntontion.

NO CHARGE: your 0y08. Every puir of glusses orderodds guarantoed to be sutisfactory. BLAIR COUNTY BANKING COMPANY, TYRONE, PENN'A. Established I871. Capital and Surplus $74,000.00, Besides INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY, ROBERT A.

MOCOY, Cashier, -S, O. Stewart, O. Humes, 8, S. Blair, A. G.

Curtin, Wm, Humes, no, Harris, Robert A. McCoy, This bank is located in Stowart Buildir on Juniata street, and tenders its services in the transaction of a general banking business. Interest allowed on tine doposita, Drafts issued on all Foreign Countries, No charge for care of Priyate Boxes or Papera, What a Prominent Man has to say about that (New Remedy) P. D. C.

For the past live yenrg I have guttered with the worst form of dyspepsia verdigo every tow weeks, Everything ent distressed mo. Could only stoop for 4 fow hours, then tho balance or the night was pnough. to drive one mad. Tried WIGNY remedies and treated with best physicians but got no. For pust two WAS getting Mr, A.

gun pewees culled my uttoution (a D. suld it had done for pips whut twenty yours ot doctoring bad not done, I monced toking it. At Brat I thought my oh would turn upside down. H. wus finding work toilo.

I begun to fool bettor before one box wus gone. Cun out about anything, have no distress Bost of all 1 can s)cop all might luva only bud one spell of verdigo in typ months. P. D. C.

is wonderful medicine for the stoiunch, it will do all tho makers olutin tor it, cure the worst case at pepsin known, It gives me plousuro to recommend W. GEORGE, 1893. For sule by Hurry Holmes 4nd Geg Tyrone, Fu Sole Manufacturers, WINGOTE, PA. $1.00, PROPRASIONAL. I.

PIPER, M. D. Once and restdonco, 1111 and 1113 Ponnayl. vAnI avenue, Tyrono, I'A. W.

LOWRIE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Once and residence, Washington avenue, Telephone conncation. J. M. sittrtt. PHYSIOTAN AND SURGEON No, 27 Tentif Tyrone, Pa, ROWAN PHYSICIAN D.

AND SURGEON Unico, No, 1010 Logan venue, lari C.M, EWING, M. D. AND SURGEON Office in Odd Follows' building, nia avonne, Tyrone, I'n. 'W. BURKET.

PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON and residence on corner Logan avenue and Tenth stroot, Tyrone, I'a, W. F. MUSSER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON and Festdence, 1063 Logan avenue, TYRONE, 1'A. T.

C. M. HAMILTON, DENTIST. Office, Study Block northeast corner Penna. nvenno and Tenth Residence, 17 Lincoln avenue.

J. SWARTZ, Teeth DENTIST, Inserted without plates Vico over Memingor's clothing store, 10th atreot, Tyrone, Pu. DICKS TEMPLETON, C. 0, TEMPERTON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Collections in specialty, Money to loan on good real security. Office, 16 Penna, avenue, Tyrone, l'a A.A STEVENA STEVENS OWENS.

ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW LLOYD OWENS Pennsylvania avonue, near Juntatu bridge, Tyrone, Pa. J. L. HENRY, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR on second floor of Herald Building Tyrone, I'a. W.

TAYLOR. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Nonc but good companies represonted. Fire, Lito and Accident. BUSINESS. G.

C. ARCHITECT DAVISON, AND BUILDING CONTRACTOR ofice on second floor of Herald Building CO Tyrone, I'm, DAVID R. WHITE. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER In all branches incident to the Brick Laying G. C.


SURPLUS $10,500.00. general banking transacted. Accounts Solicited. Discounts Daily. JOSEPH K.

0488, Pres't GEO. D. BLAIR, Vice D. SHELLEY KLOSS, Cashier. DILLOTOR.

Joseph K. Case, Jacob I. Mattera, M. Smith, 4. A.

Stevens, John A. Crawford, Geo. D. Blair. I.

P. Walton. Patrons of (this bank wiil receive the most liberal treatment consistent with Have You Smoky Chimney? Use the Finch Patent Chimney Top The only top that will prevont the smoke and soot from blowing down during all changes of the wind and wenteor, Sold by H. W. CUTLER.

All branches of the Gas Fitting Prompt attention given and drat eluss workmanship guaranteed, Residence 208 W. Tenth St. MENTHOL INHALER CATARRH HEADACHE MENTHOL will cure wonderful boon to cunor from Colder dare or immediate remedy, convenient to pocket. ready to pa Drat Indication of cola, Permanent Opro, or money rotunded. tree at Registered me CORM, MENTHOL The and Ecseme, remedy Itoh.

for Bbeum; old Soren LOT by PILEO mail prepaid. BALM H. B. CALDER WOOD, Insurance Real Estate, AND NOTARY PUBLIO, Office Fu Main Stu, near Juniata Bridge Bicycles Watches given, re to Boys' and Girls. Write for particulars, AMERICAN TEA dO.

338 to 340 5th Turone Planing (Mill. 8. McCAMANT Manytacturers and Deuters ROUGH AND WORKED LUMBER. Also, Contractors and Builders TYRONE, BLAIR PA. NEW.


Tyrone Daily Herald from Tyrone, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.