Tyrone Daily Herald from Tyrone, Pennsylvania (2024)

-THE OLD- Reliable Music Dealers TWELVE YEARS IN BLAIR COUNTY. A record that is envied by all music men in Central Pennsylvania. record that has been assailed by all the music tramps from other states and yet it towers above all and JONES CALDWELL go on doing more than ever. WE HAVE SOLD MORE ORGANS AND PIANOS than any other music housein Central Pennsylvania. We handle nothing but the best makes.

We promise nothing that we cannot fulfill. We gave every one the full value for their money, if not our record is to make it satisfactory, or refund the money received for it. If there is any. one that has purchased a piano from the firm of Jones Caldwell or A. E.Tones and it is not just as recommended or if it is not entirely satisfactory we will make it so or replace it with a new one of the same We invite you to call and examine our line of Organs and Pianos.

If you will do. so will prove to you that the goods we handle are the best made, sweetest toned and have more advantages to the player than any other instrument on the market. Old reliable makes of Pianos such as HALLET DAVIS, IVERS POND, COLBY, HAINS BROS. to hear our little, insignificant. think they know about such Then they say they they are posted and know as we will name, to you It makes us smile tors tell what they anos as the above named.

business one year and people of Tyrone such would be competiold reliable makes of have been in the music more than: all the best and invite you to ask them what they think of their pianos and treatment by Jones Caldwell. 320 THE "SYMPHONY." A Few of the People we Have Sold to: Mrs. Mart. Crawford, Colby Dr. Fickes, 66 J.

K. Johuson, 66 James Oweus, 66 Mike Downes, 6. Joel John Templeton, Scott Smith, 0, W. Sausser, Hallet Davis Theo, Shirk, Mrs. S.

J. Lightner, S. W. Barr, 46 66 Will Bollinger, Jake Cohn, John A. Miller, Robert Seeds; C.

G. Gray, Miss May Carney, 66 Harry Holmes, M. Wooden, F. Bell, Kate White, Thomas Nash, Kate Hollingshead 66 66 Academy of Music, Lucy Ellis, W. F.

Wise, Order of Elks, 3 Johuson, TI. B. Calderwood, Mrs. Albright, John W. Hunter, B.

Gillam, 3 66 G. L. Owens, Mason Hamlin A. A. Strawsbaugh, P.

Ray, Jr, 64 66 Lydia Kophart, Wash Gilmen A. L. Koons, 66 66 George Blair, Ivers Pond, George Keinzle, 4 John Hamor, 4 Dr. R. Markel, Mesers.

Tones: Caldwell, Tyrone, Mr. Jones--Dear favor received res -Replying to your inquiry would say garding my opinion of the Colby Piano, I that, so far we are very much pleased with the say I have had one in constant use for over. a Ivers Pond Piano purchased from you, and year and like it for its which we selected after a careful examination of sweetness of tone, Yours durability, clearness and truly, most of the standard makes of pianos, MAGGIN A. LEAVY, I also am glad to express satisfaction with Houtzdale, Dec, 10, '92. fall your way of doing business and with the vory Having played: on the: Colby: Piano several warranty given with the instrument.

times both in opera house and at store can reYours truly, commend-it as a first class GEO, BLAIR. piano, Tyrone, PAn, June 3, 1893, Tyrone Pa. HERS. A. A.

WITTER. JONES CALDWELL CINCHING UP FOR TROUBLE. Cartons That Soldiers Fool Stomonts of Danger: There wore two ten lowering a heavy cask of wine into a cellar the other day, and Tone of tHem naked his comrade to stand by moment The man stood by In the belt of his overalls. and the first speaker took an extra hitch "That's queer," said Perry trigram, who was passing at the time. nt saw 10 men do that in the face of certain death, And of the other 260 who were with us I guess nine in every 10 did the same.

know 1 did anyhow. Can't tell. why, becatise never thought the matter but I'll swear that if fever get into other fix like that again I'll do the same was during the Bastitu war of 1880. thing over. was a trooper there, and was one of the and odd that composed the Kimberley Horse.

If there ever was a set of notcare -a-continental scalawags in Queen: Victoria's uniform, it was that sate gang of rough riders. "We fought right, of: course, but that all we were good for. Honestly, 1 think halt the troop was made up of extconvicts and who the balance of that class of adventurers had ploneered the road. to the African diamond Thiotso fields, "We were in fort on heights. The Basutus, about 8,000 strong, were amusing themselves plotting at us from the other side of the Thiotse river, and one day they took it into their heads to sond 1,200 warriors Across the stream, over fords above and below us, to do us As it happened that morning about 250 of us wore detailed to escort a couple.

of 0-pounders up the hill to the fort from below, and on our return trip the Basutus "We got threw between us and the oncampment. out in open' file while they rode down on us- they were well mounted, were those Basatus-and we had orders -to hold fire until they were about 100 yards away. "Well, when they, came; within the given distance wo fired, but instead of: soaring thein by killing off a hundred or BO the beggars still came Dismounting from their horses, they 'seized their assegais. The hill was black with them, and they rushed on us like the hounds of hell. 'It's all -up now, thought for when those chaps take it into their heads to go the, whole and charge thoy do it.

"While 1 was thrusting another cartridge into my rifle I felt a bit queer about the throat, and somehow, I can't tell how, it seemedias though my stomach was empty. "Now, I know what it is to be scared, but I was not frightened. then. There was no time to get frightened. It just stand and fight till you dropped dead full of spear holes.

"I laid down: my rifle for a second to loosen my revolver in its case, and then from some involuntary instinct that I cannot explain I drew in my belt a couso ple I of looked inches at around the my fellows waist. nearest AsIdid Every one of them was cinching up just the same as a myself. moment for everything on our side was silence, and the Basutus were not 70 yards away. Then we all began blazing away again and yelling as meri do in battle. "The fire frightened the They came within :50 yards of us, then turned tail and fled.

We kept blazing away at the beggars as long as they were in range, and then suddenly ceased. "The strain was gone, the peril of death over. Only a moment before it had seemed as though our little band was to be wiped off the earth. It was a suffocating day, so I laid down: my gun to wipe the sweat and powder from my forehead. "Then I set about loosening my bolt.

As I did 'so I turned, to the 10 fellows nearest mo. Every one of them was doing the same. "Queer, isn't it that a fellow wants to cinch himself up in the face of certain death?" -San Francisco Examiner. Character In Nicknames. When Austria was only a dukedom, thero were three rulers who won for themselves respective titles, "Catholic," "Glorious" "Warlike." The first was perhaps a religious man, like Ferdinand the Catholio of Spain.

The second may, have been like Lorenzo the Magnificent, and the third a great warrior. And froin theso titles or nicknames we have likewise some idea of the conditions of the people while these dukos ruled. France has'had a most wonderful assortment of kings, One was the Little and another the Bold, One was the Stammerer, another, Simple, while a third and fourth were Indolent and Fair, "These namos are descriptive of the kings them. selves, but it is hardly to be supposed that a king who was indolent or simple did much tofurther the interests of his subjects. But when we find Robert I called the Sage we realize that he ruled wisely, and that the people were better off for it.

-Chicago Tribune, Twine's Seat In the Academy, The particular seat in the French academy, made vacant by the death of Taine is No, 17, It is said to be one of those whose occupant usually lives but comparatively short time after ho attaips to the dignity of but it has been held by some of the most distinguished of the Immortals, Among them may be mentioned L'Estoile, historian, 1084; Collin, bishop, 1710; Sarian, also bishop, 1788; D'Alembert, founder of the French encyclopedia, 1754; Portalis, one of the editors of the oivil code, 1808; Nodier, litterateur, 1888, and Merimee, ro- manoist, Chicago Herald. A Story of Robespierre, The story is told of Robespierre: that at one time, when at the height of his power, a lady called upon him, pesceobing him to spare her husband's life, He scornfully refused. As she turned away she happened to tread upon, the paw of pet dog. He turned upon her, MadAmie, have you no humanity? San Francisco Argonaut. New Home sewing machines at $19,50, WILSON tf.

For the summer season, buy an ice cream freezer. J. W. Fisher has A large m8tE FOR SALE -A well established pess. Season just opening.

Apply at A good girl- A. F. Jones WRIGHT VOGT'S 1. Announcement to all purchasers and wouldbe purchasers of FINE CLOTHING. For the next 30 days we will offer a grand reduction sale of our large and now stock of light and medium weight Clothing for Men, Boys, Below we give a few of our reductions: OUR $20 SUITS MUST NOW GO AT $18.00 66 36 18 16.00 0.00 16 66 66 66 6 6 13.50 15 12.00 66 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 66 9.00 The same reduction all through our suit department.

Now in fine Dress Trousers we will save you from $1.00 to $2.00 on every pair purchased from us. -OUR STOCK OFSummer Underwear, Fancy Dress Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, is most complete comprising all the newest and best things the market affords. SPECIAL--We will give free of every 12th Fancy Dress Shirt grand selection of the finest and of charge to the purchaser his choice from among our best makes of shirts. WRIGHT VOGT, FINE CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS Penna. next door to postoffice.

CASTORIA 1 for Infants and Children. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any prescription Stomuch, Diarrhoa, Eructation, known to mo." HI. ARCHER, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and prouiotes digestion, 111 So. Oxford Brooklyn, N. Y.

Without injurious medication, The use of 'Castoria is so universal and For soveral years I have recon mended Its merits so well known that it seeins work your Castoria, and aball always continue to of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the do so as it has invariably produced beneficial intelligent families who do not keep Castoria results." within easy reach." EDWIN F. CARLOS MARTYN, D. "The PARDES, M. York City.

Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformod Church New York City, TEE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORk. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE NOT hiP, Do you wear them? When next in need try a pali. Best In the world.

05.00 $3.00 $4.00 $2.50 $3.50 $2.00 FOR LADIES $2.50 $2.00 $2.25 02.00 FOR BOYS $1.75 MISSES If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, made In the latest styles, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3,50, $4,00 or $5 Shoe, They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as well. If you wish to economize In your footwear, do 10 by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes, Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for It whon you buy W. L.


H. GARNER'S JEWELRY STORE. from 8,80 4, 10. to 5 Persons who have houduphe or whoso eyes cousing discoin tort should call upon their specialist, and they will recoive intelligent and skillful attention. NO CHARGE to deit glusses will help you.

Evory pulr of lassos oriored 19 to be Spring '93 and '93 Summer FASHIONABLE TAILORING) Correct Styles Neat Patterns Superior Workmanship Charles B. Stewart, Merchant Tallor, West Tenth Street. Enterprise Brick Yard All kinds of brick for and paving, delivered to any part of Tyrone East Tyrone. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. We manufacture only the best quality of brick, and sell them at lowest rates.

DONNELLY, WELSH CO East Tyrone, Pa. GEORGE KIENZLE. BAKERY. Confectionery Grocery 332 MAIN STREET. Fresh Bread and: Cakes every day.

All kinds of Fancy and Wedding Cakes made to order on short notice and on reasonable terms. Bread and cakes delivered free to all parts of. the town. WE TELL YOU nothing new when we state that it pays to engage in'a permanent, most healthy and pleasant bust. ness, that returns a profit for every day's work.

Such is the business we offer. the working cluss. We tench them how to make money rapidly, and guarantee every one who follows our instructions faithfully the making of $300.00 a month. Every oue who takes hold now and works will surely and speedily Increase their enrnings; thero can be no question about it; others now at werk are deing It, and you, render, can do the SAINC. This is the best paying business that you have ever had the chance to secure.

You will make grave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once. If you grasp the situation, and act quickly, you win directly. find yourself in a most prosperous business, at which you can surely mako and save large sums of money. 'The results of only a few hours'. work will often equal 1L week's wages.

Whether you are old or young, man or woman, it makes no difference, do us we tell you, and sue. 0088 will meet you at the very start. Neither 'experience or capital necessary. Those who work for us aro rewarded. Why not write.

to-day for Cull particulars, free E. O. ALLEN Box No. 420, Augusta, Me. O.

W. SAUSSER, -DEALER INMarble Granite Cor. Juniata and Blair Sts. Tyrone, Pa Complexion Prescrind DR. VIOLA CREAM Liver Moids, RemoveR Froukler, Air pier, Sunburn and'.

Tan, TOstores tho akin to 119 freshnoss, moducing clear and, lily ploxion. Superlor 16 all preparations. and portently harmless. At 'all druggists, or mulled tor 50c0s, Send for Circular, VIOLA SKIN SOAP comply Incomparablo skin purifying unequaled for tho: tollut, and without for tho Absolutely puro wud delloutoly cated. As drugglats, 25 Cents.


Capital and Surplus $74,000.00, Besides INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY. ROBERT A. MOCOY, Cashier. U. Stowart, O.

Humes, 8, 8, Blair, G. Ourtin, Ww, Humes, Uno, Harris, Robort A. McCoy, This bank is loontedin Stowart Bulldir on Juntata streot, and toners its ip the transaction of 4 general banking bustnose, Interest allowed on time doposita, Drafts issued on all Foreign Countries, No charge for care of Priyate Boxee or Papera, REPAIRS! Guns, Revolvers, Locks, Keys, Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Umbrellas, Ete. Brazing a Specialty. years experience in this class pf.

work has given me a thorough know be executed promptly, correctly And edge of its requirementa, and, repair work brought to my establishment will neatly, Sewing Machines repaired. H. H. STRATIFF. ain above.

Allegheny St JOHN M. KIENZLE, BAKERY Confectionery and Groceries, Tobacco and Cigars. Fresh bread and cakes daily, All kinds of fancy and wedding cakes 8 specialty, DELIVERY No. 184 Main street, ALL KINDS OF -HAIR WORKAND MADE OUT OF COMBINGS, HAIR WATCH CHAINS MADE TO ORDER BY; MRS. 2047 Adama cor.

of Oak TRADE Father Mollinger's Great Remedies Conquer Disease. Cured thousands lA his lifetime, la greet demand alace bale Cure, death. Cure Kidney for Epiloney end 95, VILLA PAROM 1. combined.1 pure, coperate proacriptione Blood Descriptive Tea for conatipation and purity ip's the blood, cotilogys of bin treatmeps of all ebrople dis For free, solo None by gobuide A without min on paoke on receipt of all pries. or BA from WHILE express Federal For sale by Am H.


Tyrone Daily Herald from Tyrone, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.